Draft Treasurer's report as of 2017-10 (corrected)

2018-04-05 Thread Martin Zobel-Helas

= Monthly report 2017/10/01 - 2017/11/01 =

== Overall SPI 2017/10/01 - 2017/11/01 ==

 debit credit  total

 255896.58 USD  342127.67 USD  -86231.09 USD  Assets
 14.55 USD  10.00 USD  -99985.45 USDChase Business Select High 
Yield Savings
 110610.50 USD   48027.47 USD   62583.03 USDChase Performance Business 
 0   3.00 USD  -3.00 USDDebian Debit Card
   7497.38 USD  07497.38 USDFifth Third Business Elite 
Checking (Debian)
  25862.91 USD  0   25862.91 USDFifth Third Business Elite 
Checking (SPI)
  86934.72 USD   65892.26 USD   21042.46 USDFifth Third Business Elite 
Checking Wiretransfer
  2.42 USD   69970.08 USD  -69967.66 USDFifth Third Business Money 
Market 128
  1.92 USD  0   1.92 USDKey Business Platinum Money 
Market Savings
   8554.94 USD   15958.27 USD   -7403.33 USDKey Business Reward Checking
 08424.94 USD   -8424.94 USDKey Express Checking
  10938.57 USD7761.13 USD3177.44 USDPaypalDebian
   5478.67 USD   26090.52 USD  -20611.85 USDPaypalSPI
 211755.31 USD  211755.31 USD  0  Equity:Transfers
 130745.37 USD   18360.78 USD  112384.59 USD  Expenses
   1407.61 USD  01407.61 USDBanking
916.70 USD  0 916.70 USD  CPFee
442.21 USD  0 442.21 USD  PayPalFee
 37.95 USD  0  37.95 USD  PaysimpleFee
 10.75 USD  0  10.75 USD  TransactionFee
   6888.60 USD  06888.60 USDDevelopment:Outreach
  3.00 USD  0   3.00 USDFee
548.35 USD  0 548.35 USDIT
  2.35 USD  0   2.35 USD  Domains
546.00 USD  0 546.00 USD  Hosting
  67629.58 USD 795.99 USD   66833.59 USDMeetups
   4623.59 USD  04623.59 USD  Accomondation
 83.59 USD  15.99 USD  67.60 USD  Dining
  43210.36 USD 780.00 USD   42430.36 USD  Travel
  14855.82 USD  0   14855.82 USD  Venue
  28659.06 USD   16964.64 USD   11694.42 USDMisc
  25609.17 USD  0   25609.17 USDOffice
  25053.00 USD  0   25053.00 USD  Disassociation
115.17 USD  0 115.17 USD  Postal
441.00 USD  0 441.00 USD  Registered Agent
   1322.55 USD   27069.88 USD  -25747.33 USD  Income
   1322.55 USD   27050.99 USD  -25728.44 USDDonations
 0  18.89 USD -18.89 USDInterest
 0 406.17 USD-406.17 USD  Liabilities:Banking:CPFee

 599719.81 USD  599719.81 USD  0

== Per project summaries 2017/10/01 - 2017/11/01 ==

Per project donations have a debit amount specified, which is the SPI
5% contribution from the project towards the SPI general fund. Thus
total donation amount is net of this contribution. Showing it as a
separate sub-account for added clarity is a todo.

Unlike ledger defaults, totals in the per-project summaries are
inverted. Meaning that expenses are negative and equity is
positive. This way projects that have funds, i.e. are in credit, are
shown as a possitive amount.

=== 0ad ===

 debit credit  total

106.57 USD  0-106.57 USD  Expenses
 15.53 USD  0 -15.53 USDBanking
  2.35 USD  0  -2.35 USD  CPFee
 13.18 USD  0 -13.18 USD  PayPalFee
 91.04 USD  0 -91.04 USDIT:Hosting
 16.03 USD 320.50 USD 304.47 USD  Income:Donations

122.60 USD 320.50 USD 197.90 USD

=== archlinux ===

 debit credit  total

367.96 USD  0-367.96 USD  Expenses
 30.79 USD  0 -30.79 USDBanking
 22.35 USD  0 -22.35 USD  CPFee
  8.44 USD  0  -8.44 USD  PayPalFee
337.17 USD  0-337.17 USDMisc
 28.52 USD 570.46 USD 541.94 USD  Income:Donations

396.48 USD 570.46 USD 173.98 USD

=== ardupilot ===

 debit credit  total

   3617.33 USD  0   -3617.33 USD  Expenses
132.37 USD  0-132.37 USDBanking:PayPalFee
454.96 USD  0-454.96 USDIT:Hosting
   3030.00 USD  0   -3030.00 USDMisc
213.41 USD4268.11 USD4054.70 USD  Income:Donations

   3830.74 USD4268.11 USD 437.37 USD

=== debconf16 ===

 debit credit  total

Draft Treasurer's report as of 2017-10

2018-04-05 Thread Martin Zobel-Helas

= Monthly report 2017/10/01 - 2017/11/01 =

== Overall SPI 2017/10/01 - 2017/11/01 ==

 debit credit  total

 256338.79 USD  341685.46 USD  -85346.67 USD  Assets
 14.55 USD  10.00 USD  -99985.45 USDChase Business Select High 
Yield Savings
 110610.50 USD   48027.47 USD   62583.03 USDChase Performance Business 
 0   3.00 USD  -3.00 USDDebian Debit Card
   7497.38 USD  07497.38 USDFifth Third Business Elite 
Checking (Debian)
  25862.91 USD  0   25862.91 USDFifth Third Business Elite 
Checking (SPI)
  86934.72 USD   65892.26 USD   21042.46 USDFifth Third Business Elite 
Checking Wiretransfer
  2.42 USD   69970.08 USD  -69967.66 USDFifth Third Business Money 
Market 128
  1.92 USD  0   1.92 USDKey Business Platinum Money 
Market Savings
   8554.94 USD   15958.27 USD   -7403.33 USDKey Business Reward Checking
 08424.94 USD   -8424.94 USDKey Express Checking
  11202.32 USD7497.38 USD3704.94 USDPaypalDebian
   5657.13 USD   25912.06 USD  -20254.93 USDPaypalSPI
 211755.31 USD  211755.31 USD  0  Equity:Transfers
 130303.16 USD   18802.99 USD  111500.17 USD  Expenses
965.40 USD 442.21 USD 523.19 USDBanking
916.70 USD  0 916.70 USD  CPFee
 0 442.21 USD-442.21 USD  PayPalFee
 37.95 USD  0  37.95 USD  PaysimpleFee
 10.75 USD  0  10.75 USD  TransactionFee
   6888.60 USD  06888.60 USDDevelopment:Outreach
  3.00 USD  0   3.00 USDFee
548.35 USD  0 548.35 USDIT
  2.35 USD  0   2.35 USD  Domains
546.00 USD  0 546.00 USD  Hosting
  67629.58 USD 795.99 USD   66833.59 USDMeetups
   4623.59 USD  04623.59 USD  Accomondation
 83.59 USD  15.99 USD  67.60 USD  Dining
  43210.36 USD 780.00 USD   42430.36 USD  Travel
  14855.82 USD  0   14855.82 USD  Venue
  28659.06 USD   16964.64 USD   11694.42 USDMisc
  25609.17 USD  0   25609.17 USDOffice
  25053.00 USD  0   25053.00 USD  Disassociation
115.17 USD  0 115.17 USD  Postal
441.00 USD  0 441.00 USD  Registered Agent
   1322.55 USD   27069.88 USD  -25747.33 USD  Income
   1322.55 USD   27050.99 USD  -25728.44 USDDonations
 0  18.89 USD -18.89 USDInterest
 0 406.17 USD-406.17 USD  Liabilities:Banking:CPFee

 599719.81 USD  599719.81 USD  0

== Per project summaries 2017/10/01 - 2017/11/01 ==

Per project donations have a debit amount specified, which is the SPI
5% contribution from the project towards the SPI general fund. Thus
total donation amount is net of this contribution. Showing it as a
separate sub-account for added clarity is a todo.

Unlike ledger defaults, totals in the per-project summaries are
inverted. Meaning that expenses are negative and equity is
positive. This way projects that have funds, i.e. are in credit, are
shown as a possitive amount.

=== 0ad ===

 debit credit  total

 93.39 USD  13.18 USD -80.21 USD  Expenses
  2.35 USD  13.18 USD  10.83 USDBanking
  2.35 USD  0  -2.35 USD  CPFee
 0  13.18 USD  13.18 USD  PayPalFee
 91.04 USD  0 -91.04 USDIT:Hosting
 16.03 USD 320.50 USD 304.47 USD  Income:Donations

109.42 USD 333.68 USD 224.26 USD

=== archlinux ===

 debit credit  total

359.52 USD   8.44 USD-351.08 USD  Expenses
 22.35 USD   8.44 USD -13.91 USDBanking
 22.35 USD  0 -22.35 USD  CPFee
 0   8.44 USD   8.44 USD  PayPalFee
337.17 USD  0-337.17 USDMisc
 28.52 USD 570.46 USD 541.94 USD  Income:Donations

388.04 USD 578.90 USD 190.86 USD

=== ardupilot ===

 debit credit  total

   3484.96 USD 132.37 USD   -3352.59 USD  Expenses
 0 132.37 USD 132.37 USDBanking:PayPalFee
454.96 USD  0-454.96 USDIT:Hosting
   3030.00 USD  0   -3030.00 USDMisc
213.41 USD4268.11 USD4054.70 USD  Income:Donations

   3698.37 USD4400.48 USD 702.11 USD

=== debconf16 ===

 debit credit  total