On 02/24/2010 03:32 AM, Kris Lyttle wrote:

I came across your website while researching systems that will remotely
control a virtualized computer environment or virtual machine (VM) via
the internet, i.e., controlling a VM as if it were a physical machine
using VNC, VPN, etc., and it seems this could be the case with this project.

Just a few questions if I may:

1. Can one VM control another, e.g., a VM (server) on one physical
machine controlling another VM (client) on a separate machine?

2. Can full-duplex control be established between two VMs, say, using
the example above? Or would that be full-duplex communication between
physical machines using multiple VMs (server and client together) on
each machine?

3. Have you reached a stage where this can (or already has been)
implemented? If so, where?

4. Any plans for embedded applications?

Forgive me for all these questions, but as you can see, I am quite
fascinated by this project, and I would sincerely appreciate any
information you can provide. Thanks.

Hi Kris,

I'm not sure what you mean by "control". I'm not sure what you mean by "full-duplex". Can you provide more details ?

Are you asking about running spice-client (spicec) on a Virtual Machine ?
I have successfully ran spicec on a VM to access another VM. I don't remember if both VMs were running on the same physical host or not, but I think it should not be an issue.

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