Dear Chuan,

I am cc-ing the spice devel list in case anybody there wants to chime in.

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:54 AM,  <> wrote:
> The speed of playing a 1920 x 1080 FHD video in remote desktop in full
> screen mode is slow.
> I have replaced jpeglib with libjpeg-turbo, this increase the mjpeg
> decompressing speed (bVNC/jni/src/channel-display-mjpeg.c), but it’s still
> not fast enough.
> Other than replacing jpeglib with libjpeg-turbo, what else can I do to
> improve the performance of aSpice?

As far as I know, the server detects constantly changing areas of the
desktop and treats them as video streams. It encodes them with mjpeg
and sends them over.

However, as far as I can see, mjpeg is not a supported codec on
Android (look for where it lists the Video codecs):

The choices are:
H.264 AVC

But even with those, there are lots of caveats listed on the right,
like minimum Android version, limitations, etc. The only way to really
improve video performance dramatically is to start encoding the video
stream as a codec supported by Android.


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