I'm trying to create a mixin that will setup FK columns that are 
dynamically named based on the name of the parent as opposed to a static 
name like `parent_id`.  If was going to do the latter, I could easily use 
`declarted_attr` but since I want the former, I thought I could use 
`__declare_first__()`.  It works except that I also need to setup an index 
on the FK column.  When trying to do that with `__table_args__()`, I get an 
exception b/c, `__table_args__()` gets called before `__declare_first__()`.

class FlawMixin:

    def __tablename__(cls):
        return f'{cls.__flaw_ident__}_flaws'

    def __table_args__(cls):
        return (

    def __declare_first__(cls):
        setattr(cls, f'{cls.__flaw_ident__}_id', sa.Column(
            sa.ForeignKey(cls.__flaw_parent__.id, ondelete='cascade'),
        setattr(cls, cls.__flaw_ident__,
            sa.orm.relationship(cls.__flaw_parent__, lazy='raise_on_sql'))

I realize I have an event ordering issue with the way this is setup.  Just 
not sure what the correct way is to solve it.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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