Hi list,
I am new user of sqlalchemy. I play with python and MySQL for several years now and I discover sqlalchemy 1 year ago, it change my life.
So thank you for this fantastic work.

I develop a project of analysing big experimental dataset of intra/extra cellular recordings : OpenElectrophy. I highly use database for this, schema are really simple but table and row are really heavy because I use BLOB to store big raw data signal.
I usually play with 1Go to 300Go databases.
Playing with SQL is very util but problems are coming because signals get bigger and bigger.

After a walk on google, a solution could come with streaming Binary field.
In short to be able to take a field chunk by chunk.

PBXT engine for mysql seems to umplement it: http://www.blobstreaming.org/

Postgree SQL seems to natively support sort of streaming.

I don't known for SQLite.

It seems that there is not an official way to "stream" big binary fields in SQL world. Correct me if I am wrong I am a newbie in this fields.

At the end my questions :
1 - Does sqlalchemy plan to implement a unified layer for playing with stream-able field ? I really can't figure out the amount of work to achieve that, sorry if it is naive.

2 - Could you give me somes tips to deal with streaming with theses backend : MySQL, SQLite, postgree

Thanks a lot.


Samuel Garcia
Laboratoire de Neurosciences Sensorielles, Comportement, Cognition.
CNRS - UMR5020 - Universite Claude Bernard LYON 1
Equipe logistique et technique
50, avenue Tony Garnier
69366 LYON Cedex 07
Tél : 04 37 28 74 24
Fax : 04 37 28 76 01

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