I am looking at how to have 2 engines a session.

I want to be able to switch between engine used based on
if any writes will be happening to the data being read. I
can tell if any data will be modify by if the transaction
started by issues a begin.

I want to setup a number of server doing Replication. I need
to have a master and a number of slaves.

In the code I always start transaction that will be doing write with begin. I 
would like to
have the session have 2 engines. The first engine is used outside of any 
transaction that
have not started with a begin. This would allow all reads to use a slave mysql 
server and
keep the records in the session identify map. The second engine would be used 
for writes.
This engine is selected in the transaction started with a begin. The rows are 
read with
select for update. These rows also would be session identify map. When flushing 
data it need to be flushed to master.

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