I wanted to let others know about a project I am working on to give
active record style validations to declarative SA classes.  The idea
is that you can declare validation on individual fields or the whole
class and have those validators fire when the session is flushed.

I am not an SA guru by any means and I feel like this is a bit hacked
together, but I wanted to get it out there and see if there is
interest and feedback.

One of the nicest parts about this package, IMO, is that it has the
ability to automatically validate some constraints like length of
strings and nullability.  We set up our web-form validation to map the
validation errors to the form fields and it saves us from having to do
manual validation at the form level and duplicate meta-data about
fields that the declarative classes already know about.

PYPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/SAValidation
bitbucket: http://bitbucket.org/rsyring/sqlalchemy-validation/src

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