the "existing type" comes from what is reflected from the database and your custom type is not automatically reflectable.

The "existing type" for a PG alter_column is not important here because Postgresql's "ALTER COLUMN" doesn't require it. It's mostly for MySQL and SQL Server that "existing type" is important.

If you want to get your type in there without just manually changing it (which is the usual approach for edge cases like these) you'd need to build an event handler that populates it into the column metadata (the SQLA column_reflect event usually is where this is). SQLAlchemy doesn't yet have very good hooks for custom type reflection, though so this is not that straightforward (you'd need to re-load the type information for each column to detect if your type is there).

On 06/08/2016 03:21 AM, Brian Ogollah wrote:
I am creating custom types in sqlalchemy to handle postgresql composite
types. The first time i run the migrations, alembic discovers the types
but after adding changes e.g cardinality from nullable=True  ---->
nullable=False, alembic assigns a NullType to my custom types. what is
the issues here and how can i fix it?

def upgrade():
    ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ##

    op.alter_column('organization', 'active',
    op.alter_column('organization', 'identifier',
    op.alter_column('organization', 'name',
### end Alembic commands ###

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