SQLite version is now available on the SQLite website:


Version is an emergency patch release that adds a mutex that was 
inadvertently omitted from the minimal patch of version  The absence 
of this one mutex did not cause any problems for the extensive SQLite internal 
tests, but it did cause problems for Mozilla when stress-tesing Firefox.  Hence 
we have this patch on a patch.

Most applications are unaffected by the problem in the previous release.  The 
trouble only comes about when running SQLite in shared-cache mode and opening 
and closing many shared-cache database connections on the same database file in 
multiple threads at the same time.  Applications that stress SQLite in this way 
should update.  To be on the safe side, update if your application is using 
multiple thread and shared cache mode.  If you are not using shared-cache mode 
or if you are single-threaded, then you will be fine using prior versions.

We have, of course, augmented the SQLite test suite to stress the mutexes in 
this scenario so as to prevent a recurrence of the problem.  The new test cases 
would have found the problem if only those test cases had existed prior to the release.
D. Richard Hipp

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