
I would like to report the following as a bug in SQLITE:

The SQLITE "round" function fails to round between 4.1 and 4.6% of numbers
correctly to x decimal places when held as x+1 decimal places.

The simplest example I have found with x=1 is:
"select round(1.15,1)"
Result: "1.1" (should be 1.2)

Here is a script which demonstrates the problem where x=6:


--Temporary table for random numbers

create table _x (R real not null);

--Populate random numbers

with x as ( --10 rows

  select 0 as x union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3
union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7
union all select 8 union all select 9


insert into _x

select round(abs(random()/10000000000000.0),7) as R

from x,x,x,x; --10,000 rows rounded to 7dp

--Round to 6dp and display the rows with rounding errors

select R

  ,round(R,6) as Rounded --Sometimes wrong

  ,round(R*1000000,0)/1000000 as Workarounded --Always correct

from _x

where round(R,6) <> round(R*1000000,0)/1000000;

--Tidy up

drop table _x;


Neither SQL Server nor Oracle exhibit this problem.

Best regards,

Adrian Sherwin
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