Hi. I think I found a bug in SQLite, so I'm reporting it in this message.

The print screen I have attached shows a query that SQLite executes and
brings no results. I believe SQLite should trigger an error while parsing
my input, because I used an unknown column in the subquery.

This is the print screen's textual representation:

$ sqlite3 /tmp/test.sqlite
SQLite version 2013-04-12 11:52:43
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> CREATE TABLE footable (foocolumn INTEGER);
sqlite> CREATE TABLE bartable (barcolumn INTEGER);
sqlite> INSERT INTO footable (foocolumn) VALUES (1);
sqlite> INSERT INTO bartable (barcolumn) VALUES (2);
sqlite> *SELECT foocolumn FROM footable WHERE foocolumn NOT IN (SELECT
foocolumn FROM bartable);*
sqlite> exit
   ...> ;
Error: near "exit": syntax error
sqlite> .quit

Anderson Medeiros Gomes
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