
Is it possible to merge two rows with SQLite? Say I have the following table":
CREATE TABLE foo(a integer, b integer, c integer, d integer);
CREATE INDEX idx ON foo(a,b);

With the following data:

INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,1,1,2);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,2,3,4);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,2,5,6);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (2,1,7,8);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3,1,9,10);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3,2,11,12);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3,2,13,14);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3,3,15,16);

What I would like is that when the combenation of a and b are not unique to 
merge the two rows to one and sum the values b and c. So the resulting table 
should become:

  a | b | c | d
  1 | 1 | 1 |  2
  1 | 2 | 8 | 10
  2 | 1 | 7 |  8
  3 | 1 | 9 | 10
  3 | 2 | 24| 26
  3 | 3 | 15| 16

I know how to select the two duplicate rows (ensum them, but. I use the query:
SELECT * FROM foo GROUP BY a,b HAVING count(*)>1; to select them.

But how do I merge them? Do I need a self written program to itterate throuw the result of the previous query to merge them or can this be done on the sqlite3 program with a few "simple" querys?

Thanks in advance!
Kind Regards

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