Dear all,
I'd like to ask for your advice.

My goal is to perform some kind of different math computations (whatever) over a _subset_ of items (records) stored in my sqlite DB.
Each record has a number of properties stored in the same DB.
Each calculation needs only _one_ parameter of a certain record.
All calculations are _independent_ of each other.
No DB writing, data is being read only.
SQLite compiled using "SQLITE_THREADSAFE 2".

To achieve this, I wanted to use following pattern:
1) create a temp table and store ID's of all items (records) I'm interested in 2) fire several threads concurrently to read different properties of a record and calculate the results independently

The criteria in 1) may not be trivial, therefore should be executed only once. Because the number of properties read from DB and calculated is dynamic and determined at run-time, each property must be read using a separate sqlite3_stmt object (and a separate connection object).

Is there any other way how to share the list of records determined in step 1) across multiple connections/threads for further processing?

Many thanks
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