
I have a table of records in a Sqlite DB. It contains 5 records. Each record has a time-stamp which is not guaranteed to be unique. To preserve order (which is important in my project), I've given the table an integer primary key (called ID) that is auto-increment. Let's say I have the following table...

ID        Date                       Type     Size  Data

1        10OCT-08:13:47      Ether    28    sddsgsd...

2        10OCT-08:13:52      Ether    77    fdasfdsdsddssdg...

3        10OCT-08:13:52      Ether    44    zeasfkkfa...

4        10OCT-08:13:57      Ether    33    dartdg...

5        10OCT-08:14:03      Ether    51    afafsfafa...

I want to be able to programmatically insert a new record anywhere in that table. Let's suppose I want to create a new record between the records whose ID are 2 and 3. This new record would need to take the ID of 3, and all subsequent records would need to have their primary keys updated.

Is there a way to do this automagically (like a specialized INSERT command?) in Sqlite?


Thom Wharton

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