Il 13.06.2018 15:28, Olivier Mascia ha scritto:
Le 13 juin 2018 à 13:22, Richard Hipp <> a écrit :

Unfortunately, I'm going to need to shut down this mailing list due to
robot harassment.
I have already suspended new subscriptions.  Existing subscribers will
be able to continue using this list until I come up with a replacement
(or a fix to the current problem) but no new subscribers will be
I don't have experience with GNU MailMan, but isn't there some facility to protect the 
subscription request page using some Googlesque "I'm not a Robot!" CAPTCHA, or 
anything like if GNU MailMan does not want to offer people to have whatever business with 
Google for any reason?

This, plus a black-listing mechanism which would warn admins (once!) when the 
same non-member subscription request has happened let's say twice, without user 
confirmation, and simply denies new requests for that same email until admins 
either validate the subscription or reset it.

Might complicate the work of robots enough to render the game uninteresting.

That's a personal preference, but I value mailing lists and appreciate much 
less web-based forums.
WxWidgets (a library for writing GUI with C++ or Python) uses, that then works exactly as a mailing list (their mail address is; perhaps this can give you an alternative idea...
sqlite-users mailing list

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