On Sun, Aug 05, 2018 at 05:25:02AM -0600, Keith Medcalf wrote:
> :StartDate and :EndDate are NAMED PARAMETERS for when your application 
> executes the statement (that is, they are substituted with the values you 
> want for the StartDate and EndDate respectively.

I understand now. Thank you!

> I take it you want to compute YEARS MONTHS and DAYS between two dates:

Exactly that is what I want.

>  dates (StartDate, EndDate) as
>    (
>     select '2004-02-02', '2018-08-03'
>    ),
>  yearC (dateY) AS
>    (
>     SELECT date(StartDate, '+1 year')
>       FROM dates
>      WHERE date(StartDate, '+1 year') <= EndDate
>     SELECT date(dateY, '+1 year')
>       FROM yearC, dates
>      WHERE date(dateY, '+1 year') <= EndDate
>    ),
>  years (dateY, years) as
>    (
>     SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateY)
>                        FROM yearC), StartDate),
>            coalesce((SELECT count(*)
>                        FROM yearC), 0)
>       FROM dates
>    ),
>  monthC (dateM) as
>    (
>     SELECT date(dateY, '+1 month')
>       FROM years, dates
>      WHERE date(dateY, '+1 month') <= EndDate
>     SELECT date(dateM, '+1 month')
>       FROM monthC, dates
>      WHERE date(dateM, '+1 month') <= EndDate
>    ),
>  months (dateM, months) as
>    (
>     SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateM)
>                        FROM monthC), dateY),
>            coalesce((SELECT count(*)
>                        FROM monthC), 0)
>       FROM years
>    ),
>  dayC (dateD) as
>    (
>     SELECT date(dateM, '+1 day')
>       FROM months, dates
>      WHERE date(dateM, '+1 day') <= EndDate
>     SELECT date(dateD, '+1 day')
>       FROM dayC, dates
>      WHERE date(dateD, '+1 day') <= EndDate
>    ),
>  days (dateD, days) as
>    (
>     SELECT coalesce((SELECT max(dateD)
>                        FROM dayC), DateM),
>            coalesce((SELECT count(*)
>                        FROM dayC), 0)
>       FROM months
>    )
> SELECT StartDate,
>        DateY,
>        DateM,
>        DateD,
>        EndDate,
>        years,
>        months,
>        days
>   FROM dates, years, months, days;
> StartDate   dateY       dateM       dateD       EndDate     years       
> months      days
> ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  
> ----------  ----------
> 2004-02-02  2018-02-02  2018-08-02  2018-08-03  2018-08-03  14          6     
>       1

Thank you very much!
That's what I wanted, albeit with a small addition: I should get one day more.

This is due the fact that when calculated a month, days which belongs
to a month are as follows, e.g. for a month which is 31 days long: 1.,
2., 3., ..., 30., 31.

Some where in the WITH clause above I want to put '+1 day' in the
command out there.

I am going to study this command which I want to use in a Trigger.
Thank you very much again for the solution!

Best, Pali
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