Le Samedi 23 Avril 2005 14:34, Tobias Rundström a écrit :
> Pierre D. wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I'm currently developing a package manager (for linux) (yes I know, yet
> > another, useless...) and I'm using XML files for the database. But the
> > problem of that way is the slowdown and the memory cost of xml files +
> > XPath query
> > So I'm exploring other ways to store the database.
> > The first other way I want to try is sqlite, because it has perfect
> > bindings for python (my favorite scripting language) allowing the quick
> > creation (less than one hour, including tests, RTFM...) of a convertion
> > tool XML => sqlite After the convertion, I get a 8,6MB database, with a
> > table files containing about 140000 records, a packages table with about
> > 440 records... The draft of the database is here (a picture showing the
> > relations between tables) : http://pinaraf.robertlan.eu.org/schemadb.png
> > (you'll notice some differences)
> > I'm trying some "simple" query. The first query is "Whose file is it ?"
> > Here is my first SQL query for that (ran with the sqlite3 command) :
> > sqlite> SELECT p.name FROM packages p, files f WHERE f.pkgid=p.pkgid AND
> > f.filename="/usr/bin/gcc";
> > gcc-core
> try a join instead.
> select p.name from packages p join files f on f.pkgid = p.pkgid where
> f.filename="/usr/bin/gcc";
It is as slow as the previous query :(

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