Till Steinbach wrote:

> I don't get the right idea for my application. Something like  
> capturing the querys that update the database and transmit them to the  
> remote system would fit the purpose, but that seems to me very  
> complicated to teach the database.

You could write triggers for the insert, update and delete events, 
which write SQL statements for the events into a separate table.

Then write a small app or a thread in your main app to read this 
table periodically and send the statements to your backup database 
where they are executed by a third app. Report success or failure 
back to the master db and delete the succesfully executed statements 
from the logging table.

I've written a small C# app to add the triggers needed for statement 
logging to all or a selected subset of the database tables.
I can send you the source if it is useful for you.


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