AMG: I can't seem to get asynchronous [chan copy] to work with [$db incrblob]. Synchronous works just fine, but when I do asynchronous, the copy never starts. I'm copying from the incrblob to a network socket. (Someday I might also copy from a network socket to the incrblob, but this is doubtful.) I tried an asynchronous copy from the incrblob to a local file, and that hung too. No, I'm not forgetting to enter the event loop. ;^) The copy code I've written works fine when the source channel is an on-disk file, just not when it's an incrblob. Is this an SQLite bug, a design limitation, or a problem in my code?

AMG: At the Eighteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2011), AK, DRH, and I had a nice discussion concerning this issue, and we identified a potential fix. AK's memchan provides an example of how to support asynchronous [chan copy].

Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>
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