On 3 Dec 2012, Richard Hipp wrote:
... You can get a tarball or ZIP archive of the latest raw
sources from Fossil at http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/trunk

I notice that in this (3.7.15 pre-release snapshot) version of
the shell the .help out for the .dump command reads:
  .dump ?TABLE? ...      Dump the database in an SQL text format
                         If TABLE specified, only dump tables matching
                         LIKE pattern TABLE.
This seems to indicate that more than one TABLE argument could be
supplied.  I happen to have a good use for that feature, and when
it did not work, I went to see why and found this code
    if( c=='d' && strncmp(azArg[0], "dump", n)==0 && nArg<3 ){
guarding/selecting the .dump implementation.  By commenting out the
last && term, it happily does what I wanted, doing a combined .dump
output for just the tables I wish to recreate later.

Is multiple table dumping suspected to not work for some reason?
If so, the .help output should lose the '...'.  If not, perhaps
the shell.c source should lose that "&& nArg<3" clause.

Larry Brasfield

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