I'm running version SQLite 3.5.2 under Linux on a small ARM processor
with a flash drive.

I've got a single-threaded C++ process that inserts data into an
SQLite database, and a series of PHP (v5.2.4) scripts using PDO that
insert to and read from the same database.  In terms of the
percentages, the C++ process is responsible for ~99% of the data going
into the database.  I open the connection to the SQLite database when
the C++ application starts, and close the connection when it shuts
down.  The PHP opens and closes the connection during each session.

For some reason I haven't been able to track down, SQLite is creating
a journal file after the C++ process connects, however, the journal
file doesn't go away.  At this point, the database is locked for the
PHP scripts and remains locked until I manually remove the journal

- Why would the journal file remain?
- Is there a problem leaving the connection open from the C++ process?
- Looking at the SQLite documentation, I see that there are 5 possible
locked states.  Is there a way for me to query the database (maybe via
sqlite3) to determine which state the database is in?

Thanks for the help,

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