
while sqlite documentation on .import is generally a bit sparse (or I
haven't found it),
searching for it prominently yields this wiki page:


The information given there seems out of date and partly incorrect.
Contrary to

Unfortunately, not all CSV files are simple. For instance, the CSV line
  "Last, First", 1234

means two columns in Excel (a name and an integer), but three columns with
embedded quote marks in SQLite.
Be wary when trying to import CSV files.
Some problems you would encounter importing CSV files using the SQLite
 - Fields with commas in them. The SQLite shell will always split fields on
the separator character,
no matter what comes before or after it. Quotes or backslashes won't escape
 - Quoted fields. The SQLite shell will interpret quotes literally, so the
imported database will
have embedded quote marks in them.


.import nowadays *does* interpret double quotes:

$ cat data.csv
field1  field2  field3
text1   text"2  text3
1       2       3
0 $ sqlite3
SQLite version 3.7.17 2013-05-20 00:56:22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table data (col1, col2, col3);
sqlite> .separator "\t"
sqlite> .import data.csv data
Error: data.csv line 4: expected 3 columns of data but found 2
sqlite> select * from data;

Looks like the new behaviour has been introduced here:


Note that I don't know how "official" the wiki documentation is nor how to
it myself (?), so this is a try to enhance documentation on csv import a
bit wrt
something I've run into (and wondered).

Best regards,

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