
I don't want to imply that you *have* to take my suggested course of
action (and probably MOST of the folks on this list know better sqlite
than I), but, nonetheless, I'm still wondering about the results of my
suggestions.   Maybe if you could either give your results for each, or
a short reason why you don't think it's a good thing to try -- or even
just say you *choose* not to try it --- by providing the list with this
information it might greatly shorten your resolution time and the number
of emails.   As it stands, I don't even know if you've read them all.

1-- See if the problem can be reproduced using the command-line utility.
2-- Does adding "peerid" to your second select run without error?
3-- Do the suggestions for removing the index and rebuilding it (AFTER
saving your current database) sound reasonable?   Might a VACUUM be good
as well?

A new one:
   4-- If above does not resolve the difficulty, I would try a .dump
command on each of my tables.  

Hope this is some help,
sqlite-users mailing list

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