Hi all,

my database has a table ExifPhoto with the fields GPSGeometry and Nearby.

For each row I need to Update field Nearby with all coordinates (in the
table) within a Distance of 1 degree of the coordinates in field

The sqllite database has the spatial extension from SpatiaLite enabled.

So far I have this sql query, which puts all POINTs from all GPSGeometry
fields into field Nearby for each row.

Ideas on how to limit POINTS to coordinates within a Distance 1 degree


See the DISTANCE sql for how to do a spatial distance query.
I guess one needs to use PointFromWKB instead GeomFromTex because there is a
POINT already in the field GPSGeometry. But how to use a db field instead of
a hard-coded point?

Puts all Points from field GPSGeometry into field Nearby:

UPDATE ExifPhoto SET Nearby = (
GUnion(exif1.GPSGeometry) AS GUnion1
ExifPhoto AS exif1
ExifPhoto AS exif2
exif1.GPSGeometry = exif2.GPSGeometry

Working example of Distance search:

SELECT GUnion(GpsGeometry)
FROM ExifPhoto
WHERE Distance(GpsGeometry, GeomFromText('POINT(11.0 43.0)', 4326)) < 1;

SpatiaLite-GUI -> BLOB explorer -> Geometry Explorer:
SRID: 4326

Geometry type: MULTIPOINT

#6 POINTs:
  1) 11.8791  43.4660
  2) 11.8792  43.4673
  3) 11.8802  43.4682
  4) 11.8815  43.4645
  5) 11.8815  43.4684
  6) 11.8816  43.4684

So 6 coordinates are within 1 degree of the coordinates 11.0 43.0.
There are 9 rows alltogether in the database for testing.

Spatialite: http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/
exif example: http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/spatialite-exif-2.3.0.html
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