The "not working" PureFunc detection is because the sqlite3NotPureFunc needs to 
be checked in isDate if it is called with 0 arguments (in which a single 
parameter of 'now' is assumed).  This should fix the purefunc detection for 
CHECK constraints and Indexes.

I still think that OP_Function should be used for generated always as ... 
stored and generated always as ... virtual columns rather than OP_PureFunc, and 
that the all the datetime functions should have the same 

Creating an index on a generated always as ... stored should not be 
problematic, however allowing an index on a generated always as ... virtual 
that contains an impure function is indeed a problem -- I do not know how you 
would detect that.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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