Rafi Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now my question is how do I know, after sqlite3_step, if I got results
at all.

sqlite3_step returns SQLITE_ROW if you got a row of results, SQLITE_DONE if no more rows, and SQLITE_ERROR in case of error. If resultset is empty, you'll just get SQLITE_DONE on the first call.

I would like my application to have this information before
trying to retrieve the results by using sqlite3_column* functions.

You can only use sqlite3_column* functions if the previous call to sqlite3_step returned SQLITE_ROW.

From the other side, if I retrieve those results in a loop, I would
like to now how many rows I need to retrieve?

You can't know that until you retrieve them all. SQLite engine itself doesn't know that. Just keep going until you get SQLITE_DONE.

Igor Tandetnik

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