I'm trying to create a VFS for SQLite 3.7.17 porting.
I started from testdemo_vfs.c using it first under linux compiling and link
it (-DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 at compile time)
Using this VFS (the behavior is the same on my embedded platform and under
linux) I can create and access a db and tables, insert and select data from
that using sqlite shell and that's fine.
The problem is that .dump command displays only statements for the schema
while data are missed (No INSERT statements with data, but if I do a
"select" it works and data are there).
It seems to me that the problem is in run_schema_dump_query when the
command .dump is parsed but I'm not sure as it could be also al little bit
upper in the code.
Have I missed something or can anybody shed a light on this?

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