Re: [sqlite] Search in multiple fields.

2009-06-05 Thread Alexandre Courbot

Not sure if that answers your question, but I think you seriously want
to use FTS3. It will be both a trillion times faster than your current
query - you may have trouble with your last example though. Maybe you
can still go through by escaping the search terms.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] temp tables or virtual tables, which is faster?

2009-06-09 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> I have now learned about the concept of virtual tables.  Am I better
> of with my current approach because I can index the files in the temp
> table, or would I be better off using a virtual table to scan the hard
> drive for the images?

Depends on how often you must reindex and how critical it is for you
to be up-to-date. A virtual table will ensure you do not have any
synchronization problem. On the other hand, if your temp table is
indexed, you may expect it to be faster. You do not tell much about
your join conditions.

> Also, since the only writing I am doing is to a temp table, can I
> connect to the SQLite database with read only?

When I need to be such things, I just set my database file to be
read-only at OS level. :)

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] temp tables or virtual tables, which is faster?

2009-06-09 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> Ok, here is what I am doing right now.  The idea is to return all the
> images in the folder to the frontend and indicate which ones the
> current customer has in his/her favorite's.

If your images do not change, I guess you would get good performances
by indexing ImageId and using the temp table. As far as I understand,
the virtual table would work as well, and would save you some memory,
but you have to program it. So in my opinion both options are correct.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Fts3 and JOIN sometimes results in inability to use MATCH operator

2008-08-06 Thread Alexandre Courbot
Hello everybody,

Using sqlite 3.6.0 with fts3 enabled:

create table indexes(docid int);
create virtual table texts using fts3(reading);
insert into texts values("text1");
insert into indexes values(last_insert_rowid());
select * from indexes join texts on texts.docid == indexes.docid where
texts.reading match "text1";

Last line outputs:
SQL error: unable to use function MATCH in the requested context

I first noticed that behavior in a much larger query with plenty of
joins. Reordering them gives me a query that works. Is there any
reason for this? I don't know sqlite enough to affirm this is a bug,
but this looks suspicious to me. Shall I fill in a trac ticket?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Linking databases

2008-08-14 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> Is there a way to link and do a select on multiple databases?

You probably want to use the "attach" command:

Then you can join all your tables as if they were declared in the same
database, without any performance penalty.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] FTS3 Snippet function on two column MATCHes

2008-08-15 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> I would like to generate Snippets from MATCHes in two columns,
> however, I get the following error: "unable to use function MATCH in
> the requested context" with the following query --

I think you ran into the same problem as I did:

Unfortunately there is no solution right now. I've discussed that on
the development mailing list as well where I have been confirmed this
is a bug. I have also opened a trac ticket about it:,3

There is a workaround, which is to used nested queries instead of
joins (i.e. "where x in (select ...)" instead of "join"). I've met the
Snippet function for the first time in your mail and failed to find
any documentation about (mind to give me a pointer here? it looks
interesting) so I cannot convert your example query but I'm confident
it can be fixed this way.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] newbie command line question sqlite3

2008-08-21 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> I have the commanline sqlite3.exe in the same folder as the .db and need to
> now manipulate the db to manually remove a corrupt record.

> I tried: .tables to show trables but nothing happens

Don't forget to run sqlite3.exec followed by the name of your database
file. Otherwise you will be working on an empty database and won't be
able to modify your tables.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Can I index a single text column on a fts table?

2008-08-23 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> I'm not sure if I understood the fts table declaration format and
> posibilieties but is it possible to make SQLite index only a single text
> column in a table containing multiple text columns?

No. All tables in FTS3 are indexed text, regardless of how you declare them.

If you don't want your other columns to be indexed, you can split them
into a separate table (keeping the FTS3 table only for indexed text)
and join them using the implicit docid column of your FTS3 table.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] FTS, snippet & Unicode?

2008-08-26 Thread Alexandre Courbot
I know there is a patch at,38 that is supposed to
improve Unicode support in FTS3. I suspect it to turn any Unicode
character into a token - however maybe you can use it as a basis to
implement what you need.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How can I load big file into a sqlite database?

2008-08-28 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> I usually used "load data infile" command in mysql to insert long list of 
> data.
> But I could not find this kind of command in sqlite.
> How do you load big file into a sqlite database??

I guess what you want to do is "sqlite3 databasefile < infile"

See also the ".import FILE TABLE" command to inport a file into a single table.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How can I load big file into a sqlite database?

2008-08-29 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> I am interested in this issue also.
> I didn't understand the first part of your answer. "sqlite3 databasefile
> < infile" ??
> The ".import FILE TABLE" works, but it is from CLI. How can I do it in
> my C++ application using the sqlite3?

An equivalent would be to read the file line by line and execute the
statements it contains.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Unable to compile fts2 as loadable extension

2008-10-07 Thread Alexandre Courbot
Any reason why you don't want to use fts3 instead?

Using fts2 means potential big consistency issues if you run vacuum on
your database. Moreover, fts3 should just compile and run smoothly on
latest versions.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] END TRANSACTION failed with "database is locked"

2008-10-08 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> I am executing some operations in a loop and all the operations are wrapped
> inside a transaction. During one iteration the "END TRANSACTION" returned
> with an error "database is locked". Since this is in a loop my next request
> to "BEGIN TRASACTION" failed with "cannot start a transaction within a
> transaction". What is the normal way to get rid of this situation? Is it
> right to check the status with "sqlite3_get_autocommit" and issue a
> "ROLLBACK TRASACTION" if it inside a transaction before issuing BEGIN?

This is probably because you still have one active query when during
the commit. Try to sqlite3_finalize all your queries before the

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Quick FTS3 question: partial matches

2008-10-09 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> I would like to look up partial strings across several columns using FTS3
> and MATCH.   For example, if I have a column that has data,
> 'helloThisIsATest'... and I do:
> select * from myTable where myTable match '*This*';

You can only use wildcards as a suffix - this is due to the nature of
the indexes fts3 uses.

I don't know of a possible workaround for this while still using fts3.
I'd say that for this kind of request, you are condemned to use '...
like "%This%".

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] One writer, many interruptible readers application design

2008-11-15 Thread Alexandre Courbot
Hello everybody,

I know there are lots of documentation about sqlite and multithreading
and yes, I have read all of it! ;) I'm to the point where I think
about restructuring my application in order to make it more reactive,
and I'd like to ask for your wise comments.

The scheme I would like to implement is as follow:

- The main thread (which displays the GUI and must therefore not be
frozen by some long query) is the only thread that does write accesses
to the database. Writing remains very seldom and fast, though.
- Around this thread, several other threads may exist that run
read-only queries on demand by the main thread (typically, when the
user wants to display something in the user interface. I need to use a
different thread because I don't want to block the GUI while the
request is running). When the request is finished, the result is
displayed by the main thread. However, the main thread may also want
to abort that request, for instance if the user decides to display
something else by the meantime. The problem is that there may be
several of these peripheral threads (I estimate up to 5), and they
must all be interruptible individually.

This is where my problem lies: sqlite has a function to interrupt
queries (sqlite3_interrupt), but it stops all the queries of a given
connection. Therefore, to ensure all queries are individually
interruptible, I must open one sqlite connection per thread. By doing
so, and considering that the main thread only writes seldomly, I think
I would not experience any GUI is freeze, as all the lengthly queries
would be executed by other threads that can be interrupted if the user
decides to take some further action before they complete.

The only freeze condition that I may have would be when the main
thread wants to write to the database while other threads are still
reading it. In that case, the GUI may freeze while the main thread
tries to acquire its lock. However, I think I can easily workaround
that using another thread that is only dedicated to writing and
buffers write requests as they arrive.

This design will require a major overhaul of my application, so I'd
like to make sure it is a good idea. I'd like to avoid using multiple
connections, but I feel like I have no choice there. Would anyone have
something to say against that design or would suggest a better idea?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Comparing a field between two databases?

2008-11-16 Thread Alexandre Courbot

attach is probably what you want:

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] extremely slow join on an fts3 table

2008-12-04 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> On these tables this query is very slow (about 1 row per second)
> select  from general g, general_text gt where =;
> and these ones have a normal speed:
> select  from general g, general_text_content gt where = gt.docid;

I think the point is that you cannot declare the ID field of
general_text as an primary key. In FTS 3 tables, the docid member is
already a primary key, so it is highly possible that your join does
not use an index and parses all the rows of the table.

A solution would be to insure that and general_text.docid
have the same id, which can probably be achieved by using
last_insert_rowid() after inserting to general_text (warning, there
were a bug in that case if you happen to delete and insert rows again
in general_text - you'd need to do that within a transaction to have
the correct rowid).

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Formatted text with fts3

2009-03-09 Thread Alexandre Courbot
Never did this myself, but I think you can do what you need by writing
your own tokenizer:

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] FTS & Doc Compression

2010-03-03 Thread Alexandre Courbot
While I am not directly concerned by the problem, a possibility to
transparently compress the text of FTS3 tables (not the indexes, just the
contents of the virtual column) using zlib would be great. I cut a database
size in half by doing this on non-fts3 text tables. DEFLATE being very
efficient in terms of speed even for embedded devices by today's standard,
I'm convinced this could do wonders.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Updated FTS3 compression patch

2010-03-24 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> Patch is here

Would love to try it - but for some reason I cannot find a way to get
an actual "patch" on this page. Could you produce a diff that could be
applied on top of 2.6.23's source, or even better amalgamation?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] FTS3 query question

2010-06-02 Thread Alexandre Courbot
> But I'm not getting any results when I combine these using OR:
> SELECT rowid FROM EntryHeaders eh WHERE ( eh.Paragraph MATCH '91' ) OR (
> eh.Title MATCH 'civil' )

See . Your query should be more like:

SELECT rowid FROM EntryHeaders WHERE EntryHeaders MATCH "Paragraph:91
OR Title:civil"

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] [CRASH] Segmentation fault since 3.8.0

2013-09-03 Thread Alexandre Courbot
Hi everyone, (not subscribed to the ML, please CC)

The following happens since 3.8.0 (tested on both 3.8.0 and

$ cat |sqlite3
create table t1(id INTEGER);
create table t2(id INTEGER, v INTEGER);
insert into t1 values(1);
select distinct from t1 left join t2 on = order by
t2.v is null;
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The same statements with 3.7.17 do *not* crash.

Removing the "distinct" keyword, selecting instead of, or
ordeting on just t2.v result in a successful query. This seems
triggered by the usage of "distinct", a left join, and ordering on a
condition, but I haven't managed to narrow it further down. I am also
not familiar enough with SQLite's internals to debug it further
unfortunately. Could this be related to the new query planner?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [CRASH] Segmentation fault since 3.8.0

2013-09-04 Thread Alexandre Courbot
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 9:20 PM, Richard Hipp  wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 11:07 PM, Alexandre Courbot  wrote:
>> Hi everyone, (not subscribed to the ML, please CC)
>> The following happens since 3.8.0 (tested on both 3.8.0 and
>> $ cat |sqlite3
>> create table t1(id INTEGER);
>> create table t2(id INTEGER, v INTEGER);
>> insert into t1 values(1);
>> select distinct from t1 left join t2 on = order by
>> t2.v is null;
>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> Thanks for the simple test case!  See
> for the ticket.  We'll get to
> work on this right away.

Seen on the ticket this has been fixed already, thanks for the quick reaction!

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] [Regression?] FTS function crashes since 3.7.7

2011-10-29 Thread Alexandre Courbot
Hi everybody,

While testing some database upgrade function of mine, I ran into a
segmentation fault. I started looking at the possible cause in my
code, but I soon realized the crash would only happen using SQLite
3.7.7 or 3.7.8. If I use 3.7.6 or lower, things go safely.

Since I am not familiar with SQLite's internals, I have run the thing
under Valgrind and GDB to get some backtraces. Here is Valgrind's

==27928== Invalid read of size 4
==27928==at 0x646251: sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush (sqlite3.c:124996)
==27928==by 0x63A2A8: fts3SyncMethod (sqlite3.c:117025)
==27928==by 0x63A983: fts3SavepointMethod (sqlite3.c:117332)
==27928==by 0x6239C5: sqlite3VtabSavepoint (sqlite3.c:100182)
==27928==by 0x5E9F07: sqlite3VdbeExec (sqlite3.c:66431)
==27928==by 0x5E40D8: sqlite3Step (sqlite3.c:61954)
==27928==by 0x5E42B9: sqlite3_step (sqlite3.c:62027)
==27928==by 0x5B3BC3: SQLite::Query::exec() (
==27928==by 0x5B3D80: SQLite::Query::exec(QString const&) (
==27928==by 0x590DF5: update8to9(SQLite::Query&) (
==27928==by 0x59128A: Database::updateUserDB(int) (
==27928==by 0x5914CD: Database::checkUserDB() (
==27928==  Address 0x150 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==27928== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==27928==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x150
==27928==at 0x646251: sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush (sqlite3.c:124996)
==27928==by 0x63A2A8: fts3SyncMethod (sqlite3.c:117025)
==27928==by 0x63A983: fts3SavepointMethod (sqlite3.c:117332)
==27928==by 0x6239C5: sqlite3VtabSavepoint (sqlite3.c:100182)
==27928==by 0x5E9F07: sqlite3VdbeExec (sqlite3.c:66431)
==27928==by 0x5E40D8: sqlite3Step (sqlite3.c:61954)
==27928==by 0x5E42B9: sqlite3_step (sqlite3.c:62027)
==27928==by 0x5B3BC3: SQLite::Query::exec() (
==27928==by 0x5B3D80: SQLite::Query::exec(QString const&) (
==27928==by 0x590DF5: update8to9(SQLite::Query&) (
==27928==by 0x59128A: Database::updateUserDB(int) (
==27928==by 0x5914CD: Database::checkUserDB() (

And here is the GDB backtrace (using 3.7.8):

#0 0x00646251 in sqlite3Fts3PendingTermsFlush (p=0x0) at
#1 0x0063a2a9 in fts3SyncMethod (pVtab=0x0) at sqlite3.c:117025
#2 0x0063a984 in fts3SavepointMethod (pVtab=0x0, iSavepoint=0)
at sqlite3.c:117332
#3 0x006239c6 in sqlite3VtabSavepoint (db=0x9bf4a8, op=0,
iSavepoint=0) at sqlite3.c:100182
#4 0x005e9f08 in sqlite3VdbeExec (p=0x9b9ac8) at sqlite3.c:66431
#5 0x005e40d9 in sqlite3Step (p=0x9b9ac8) at sqlite3.c:61954
#6 0x005e42ba in sqlite3_step (pStmt=0x9b9ac8) at sqlite3.c:62027

Here the faulty is pVtab which should not be NULL from
fts3SavepointMethod, since it is unconditionally dereferenced.
fts3SavepointMethod is called through a function pointer from line
100182 which reads the following:

 rc = xMethod(db->aVTrans[i]->pVtab, iSavepoint);

That's about all the information I can get for now. Compiling with
SQLITE_DEBUG=1 does not give anything more - it just crashes earlier
in fts3SavepointMethod because of an assert that dereferences pVtab. I
do not understand SQLite's code well, but it seems to me that a
virtual table function should not be called with a NULL virtual table
pointer anyway.

I wish I could send a code sample that reproduces the issue, but
unfortunately the case is rather big and complex. I will try to come
with a minimal program though. If there is anything more I can do to
help debugging, please let me know.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [Regression?] FTS function crashes since 3.7.7

2011-10-29 Thread Alexandre Courbot

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Dan Kennedy  wrote:
> Found one problem:
>  Ticket:
>  Fix:
> Please follow up if you try this fix and you still get
> the crash.

Thanks for pointing me to this. Indeed, this solves my problem. Great
to see this is already fixed - guess I will just have to blacklist
SQLite 3.7.7 and 3.7.8.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [Regression?] FTS function crashes since 3.7.7

2011-10-29 Thread Alexandre Courbot
By the way, can we expect a point release ( that includes
this fix soon? It seems rather serious to me, and the use case should
not be so seldom.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Referencing subquery several times

2011-11-11 Thread Alexandre Courbot
Hi everybody,

Here is a simplified version of the statement I try to run (let a, b,
and m be tables with only one column named c containing integers):

 OR  c IN (SELECT * FROM b));

I know this could be done more easily, but I have to keep this
structure (i.e. cannot JOIN for instance). My question is, how could I
avoid repeating the subqueries after the AND NOT, since they will
return the same set as the previous ones? In case I do not replace
them, would SQLite be able to optimize and only run them once?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Referencing subquery several times

2011-11-12 Thread Alexandre Courbot
Hi Igor,

On Nov 12, 2011 11:45 AM, "Igor Tandetnik"  wrote:
> This query doesn't make much sense. It appears that quite a few
conditions are redundant, or else the parentheses are in the wrong places.
What logic were you trying to express here?

Sorry, I tried to simplify it as much as possible but this is right is does
not make much sense. I have two FTS tables containing strings for
definitions, one is the definition in English, the other is the same
definition in another language. Both tables use the same rowid for the same
definition, but while every definition has an entry in the English table,
some are missing in the non-English one.

I want to find out which entries have a given word in their definition. So
the subqueries are actually matches against the FTS table. However, I do
not want an entry to match in case the match is made against the English
FTS table, and a non-matching word also exists in the non-English table.
That is, the English table should only be used for entries which do not
have a non-English definition.

Put it differently, an entry should match if:
- the looked up word is matches in the non-English table, OR
- the non-English table does not have a row for the entry, AND the
corresponding English definition matches.

I cannot reasonnably use joins here because I would have to use left joins
(because of the OR condition) and observed severe performance degradation
if I do so. This is because the FTS tables' rowid does not directly
correspond to an entry ID, but must be matched with another table to get
the entry id.

I hope this is clear enough - sorry for the long explanation. I have
possible workarounds to make this work differently, but being able to
reference the subqueries directly would be the cleanest to me.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Referencing subquery several times

2011-11-12 Thread Alexandre Courbot
On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 10:02 PM, Luuk  wrote:
> Should give same results as:
>    c IN (SELECT * FROM a) OR
>    c IN (SELECT * FROM b)
>    AND (c IN (SELECT * FROM b));
> Because of the 'OR' on the second line
> This can be simplified to:
>    c IN (SELECT * FROM a) OR
>    c IN (SELECT * FROM b);

That's right. Sorry, my query was wrong in the first place. It would
have been more something like:

   c IN (SELECT docid FROM a WHERE t match "blah") OR
   (c IN (SELECT docid FROM b WHERE t match "blah")
AND NOT c IN (SELECT docid FROM a));

e.g. we can either have a match in a, but only a match in b if a does
not have a row with the same docid. Which, in this case, does not
involve any redundant subquery and should be fast. Sorry, my question
was badly stated in the first place. At least your answers helped me
notice it - thanks for that. Of course, if there is any better way to
do this query, I would be glad to know it anyway.

Thanks again!
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Referencing subquery several times

2011-11-12 Thread Alexandre Courbot
On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 11:59 PM, Black, Michael (IS)
> Why are you contorting yourself into just one query?

It is actually part of a larger query that joins against this result.
Granted, there are ways to workaround this, but I would be surprised
if it was not possible to express that in SQL so wanted to ask the
community about this.

sqlite-users mailing list