
  I¹m relatively new to SQLite and have a couple questions centered around
performance. I am running SQLite 3.1.3 on Mac OSX 10.4 (this is the version
that is pre-installed).

  I created a very simple database with one Table:

sqlite3 test-db "create table Node (NodeId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, url TEXT,
filename TEXT);"

  I have then been writing some sample C programs making use of the C API,
but have been very disappointed in the performance of Œinsert¹ing into the
database. For example, timing the performance of executing an insert
statement into this table only gives me an insertion rate of 6 rows per
second (³insert into Node (url, filename) values (Œfoo¹,¹bar¹);²).

  I am wondering what options I have for speeding up these results. I know
submitting my inserts as a batch transaction would help, but I¹m not sure
that will be possible. I have also read about the PRAGMA SYNCHRONOUS
setting, and while this gives me the speed boost I¹m looking for, I don¹t
like giving up the security of the database not getting corrupted.

  How much of a performance boost will I see by precompiling my SQL

  I¹m currently making use of sqlite3_get_table() - is it any slower than
using sql3_exec() ?

Thanks for any answers and pointers to performance tweaks for sqlite!

Andrew Cheyne
GridIron Software

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