Hello to all,  I was delving into a SQLite db3 that is a backup from a iOS 
application when I came across a timestamp translation challenge.

The timestamp from iOS systems is not compliant with ISO 8601/Unix or other 
common timestamps.  It appears apple has their start date offset 31 years.  But 
also, the way the timestamp is stored cannot be converted correctly into a 
timestamp with several open source SQLite ODBC drivers I have tried.

It seems the solution I found is to change the timestamp type mapping to float 
type and then I can at least extract the iOS timestamp data from the db3 file.  
I used "SQLite Expert Personal version 5.0.0 alpha" from and set the timestamp 
type mapping to float to get the data.

  *   Is this something that could be built into the ODBC driver source?
  *   Could there be an option or built in filter that recognizes that the 
timestamp data is not ISO 8601/Unix compliant but it's in iOS timestamp format? 
 And then it reads the data and then correctly maps the iOS timestamp data to 
be ISO 8601/Unix compliant?

Ref:   SQLite Expert Personal version 5.0.0 alpha     Coral Creek Software    

Source file was from: Apple iOS app that uses a SQLite db3 compliant database:  

  1.  Launch app.  Put in some time entries and then email the backup db to get 
the data in a db3 compliant db.
  2.  The table in the db3 that has a timestamp field that will not translate 
correctly with the few SQLite ODBC drivers I tried:  ZTIMEENTRY
  3.  The field in the ZTIMEENTRY table that must have the timestamp type 
setting changed to float to get the data correctly:  ZDATE


Bill Hashman

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