Using version amalgamation

When processing an sql commands from a script file, if exactly two
errors occur, then the shell exits.
To replicate:

Example file called test.sql

                End transaction;
                End transaction;

Open the shell with no database and run:

.read test.sql

The shell will report two errors then exit immediately.

The cause
On line 1860
In the function do_meta_command(...)
The function process_input(...), returns the number of errors
encountered. This is put into the rc result code which is then returned
from do_meta_command(...)

The return codes from do_meta_command are translated as 1 on error, 2 to
exit and 0 otherwise.

Here is a patch which fixes the stated problem, but does not cover any
other possible related issues.

<       if(process_input(p, alt)>0){
<                 rc = 1;
<         }
>       rc = process_input(p, alt);

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