
if the user calls "getObject" before calling wasNull then wasNull returns 
either the "wasNull" value of the previous called get<DataType> call, or 
it throws an Exception, if it is called the first time.

How to replicate this bug:

DBConnection conn = ....
DatabaseMetaData md = conn.getMetaData();

ResultSet rs = md.getTables(null, null, null, new String[] {"TABLE});

if (rs.next()) {
   Object anyData = rs.getObject(1)
   // the following statement will throw an exception: "column -1 out of 
bounds [1,10]"
   if (rs.wasNull()) {

I saw in the source code that getObject does not set the lastCol variable 
in the ResultSet class "RS".

The expected behavior is that the getObject function sets the "lastCol" 
variable so that cosecutive function calls to "wasNull" do not fail with 
an exception.

Would be nice to hear from you.

E-world 2014
11.-13..2.2013 Essen/Germany

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