Hello All,
first I want to say, thanks for this great fine database. I am new but I
love it. That is the first database that I find, where I don't need any
drivers or services, thats so great I use it as an offline database on cd
for holding informations about multiple Installer Packages. The second I
want to say is "sorry for my bad english".
So here is my problem.
I am using sqlite as an PlugIn for AMS 5 (Autoplay Media Studio 5), there is
an built-in action that shows the encoding of the sqlite database. So this
action gives back the following encoding: iso8859. I tried to update an
entry in the database with a string that includes "german umlaute", like ae
= ä or oe = ö. The entry was updated but without the "umlaut", now I think
its the encoding of my database that doesn't like my string. 
However can anybody explain how to get any Characters as strings into the
database and how I can create a database with an special encoding.
Thanks for your help and best regards
Sie Tjin Kian

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