I am getting an assert failure in btree.c, in the method:
static void insertCell(Btree *pBt, MemPage *pPage, int i, Cell *pCell, int sz) at line 
assert( sz==cellSize(pBt, pCell) )
I am running version 2.8.13 on vxWorks. I have been able to successfully run some 
simple canned data tests where I insert 80K rows into a table in transactions of 1000 
rows before committing. 
When I run with real data and a 200 row transaction size, (100 rows in one table and 
100 in another) I am getting the assert failure on cellSize() and the message:
Assertion failed: sz==cellSize(pBt, pCell), file 
C:/z_dev/other/voom/sqlite/src/btree.c, line 2055
Any recommendations?

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