Re: [sqlite] query 31 days

2005-08-12 Thread Jakub Adamek
Perhaps you could create a table with the results (e.g. columns 
yearmonth, date, hasrecord=0|1) and create triggers for the main table 
so that if the records change, the triggers change the value in the 
result table.


Tom Deblauwe wrote:


I'm using SQLite 2.8.16, on an embedded system, and I have a question.
I have a database with one table, containing all my records.  Each has a
field 'yearmonth' which contains for example '200508', and also a field
'date', which indicates the day of that month.  I want now to make an
overview of a month and see which days contain a record.  I've created a
combined index on 'yearmonth' and 'date'.  My query to do this is:
'select distinct date from mytable where yearmonth = 200508;'  This
takes about 50 seconds, which is really slow to show my users(it is
displayed on a webpage).

I noticed that this takes a long time, because I guess almost all
records are checked.  My other idea was to do 31 queries(one for every
day), like this: 'select ID from mytable where yearmonth = 200508 and
date = 1 limit 1;'.  This second method does not give me anymore speed

for example:

 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ...
 ^   ^   ^   ^

the days marked with '^' contain records.  To check with the second
method for example day 7, it takes 2.6 seconds.  Day 4 takes less, and
from day 3 and lower, it is reacting immediately(like 40 ms).  Day 8 and
higher takes about 1 second each.

When I do a random query om my database with select, and want to return
10 results for example, it takes 2.8 seconds.  So getting 1 result, or
getting 10 results only differs about 0.2 seconds.  Is there anything I
can do so things go faster?  Maybe I should maintain a separate table
with the monthoverview, but if it is possible to do some other solution
it would be nicer ;-).

Thanks for your time,
kind regards,


Jakub Adamek
Telematix Software, a.s.
Karoliny Svetle 12, Praha 1
Tel: +420 608 247197
Office: +420 224233470

Re: [sqlite] Index with two columns

2005-06-05 Thread Jakub Adamek

Richard, thank you very much.


D. Richard Hipp wrote:

On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 13:20 +0200, Jakub Adamek wrote:

Hello, please, is there any way to make SQLite use an index on two 
columns when I want to select all rows which have some combination of 
the two columns?

DsetId=203 AND SectId IN (4,400);

SQLite does use multiple columns of a multi-column index
for == constraints.  But for an IN operator, it will only
using a single column.

This is something that I need to work on.

In the meantime, I suggest the following work-around:

   SELECT * FROM PointFeature WHERE DsetId=203 AND SectId=4
   SELECT * FROM PointFeature WHERE DsetId=203 AND SectId=400;

Re: [sqlite] updating records problem

2005-05-18 Thread Jakub Adamek
I believe you are wrong. The rowid is the primary key in the SQLite 
B-tree representation. It is always unique and allows you not to use 
your own primary key. But if you have a column of type INTEGER PRIMARY 
KEY, the values in this column become rowid. Otherwise a new 
autoincremented column is created.

Jay Sprenkle wrote:
rowid won't work in a multiuser database. It's just the row number within
the result set you retrieved. This sort of problem is the reason why people
use a unique id field. The database automatically assigns you a number
that won't change and isn't shown to the user (they can't change it either).
On 5/17/05, Will Leshner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The problem is that the 'name' and 'age' fields are not sufficiently
unique to identify the very row the user wanted to update. Instead
every row that has matching names and ages are going to be updated.

Re: [sqlite] database table is locked

2005-03-16 Thread Jakub Adamek
I had a similar experience, but there was too much code to create a 
simple bug report. Surprisingly, the error disappeared if I first made a 
"SELECT FROM table" before the "INSERT INTO table" on the same table.
Also the error description "database TABLE is locked" is sometimes wrong 
because it is the whole database which is locked. Perhaps another error 
code/message should be created for "database is locked" (e.g. with open 

Marcel Strittmatter wrote:
Hi all
When I try to insert data into a table, sqlite3 responses with 
SQLITE_ERROR and the error message: "database table is locked". I 
searched already for unfinalized statements but couln't find any. The 
insert statement is not executed while a query is active...

The problem exists only on Windows (local storage), on Linux everything 
(except known nfs problems) works well (same code).

My question: Is there a "easy" way to test if a table is locked? Are 
there other possibilities to help debug such a problem (I already tried 
sqlit3_trace, but this doesn't help much because I don't see if a query 
is finalized or not).


Re: [sqlite] Sub-Select

2005-03-08 Thread Jakub Adamek
Michael, it is because SQLite 3.1.3 changed (or has errors in, it is a 
matter of opinion) the column naming. Try

>> SELECT   max(Sendung)
>> (SELECT  S.Sendung AS Sendung
>>  FROM Auftrag AS A,
>>   Sendung AS S
>>  WHERE(A.PosyDat = 1 AND A.PosyDat = S.PosyDat) AND
>>   (A.PosyNId = 6 AND A.PosyNId = S.PosyNId) AND
>>   (A.DateiNum = 1 AND A.DateiNum = S.DateiNum) AND
>>   (A.ReprintNum = 0 AND A.ReprintNum = S.ReprintNum) AND
>>   (S.Sendung >= 1 AND S.Sendung <= 600)
>>  LIMIT300) AS Sub;
Michael Knigge wrote:
sorry... I forgot I get the error "no such column: Sub.Sendung" 
So I guess/hope it's only a "syntax error" with my SQL - my SQL-Skills 
are rather bad ;-(


could someone please tell me why this query doesn't work with 3.1.3 
(with 3.0.8 it works):

SELECT   max(Sub.Sendung)
(SELECT  S.Sendung
 FROM Auftrag AS A,
  Sendung AS S
 WHERE(A.PosyDat = 1 AND A.PosyDat = S.PosyDat) AND
  (A.PosyNId = 6 AND A.PosyNId = S.PosyNId) AND
  (A.DateiNum = 1 AND A.DateiNum = S.DateiNum) AND
  (A.ReprintNum = 0 AND A.ReprintNum = S.ReprintNum) AND
  (S.Sendung >= 1 AND S.Sendung <= 600)
 LIMIT300) AS Sub;
Thanks a lot,

Re: [sqlite] ticket 1147

2005-02-28 Thread Jakub Adamek
For me it is not important to know from which table the column comes, 
but it is a must to have unique column names - because I address all 
columns by their names. I could also use the column order but this would 
lead to worse readability and maintainability. Therefore my wrapper 
protests when it encounters two columns with the same name.

I never thought about * as a dangerous thing. The query is shorter and 
there are less places to modify when I change or add columns. But it is 
true that VIEWs work with * other way than SELECTs and also because of 
all this discussion I think I will refrain from using *.

The query I posted was a very quick draft of the real query, it was
SELECT * FROM BinaryTarget INNER JOIN TargetDescription ON 
BinaryTarget.FeatureItemId = TargetDescription.FeatureItemId;

and I also tried SELECT TargetDescription.*, BinaryTarget.* which did 
not help. I than thought these are bugs in SQLite and did not try to 
change the queries. But now I see that even if the parser was modified 
to return the column names working for me now, it is a very vulnerable 
part which could easily change in next versions.

D. Richard Hipp wrote:
On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 08:48 -0700, Robert Simpson wrote:
5.  What we do with the schema information or how well we compute it is

No.  It is exceedingly relevant if you want any cooperation from
me in addressing the issue.
There seem to be a lot of people who are emphatic about knowing
which column in which table a value in the result set originated
from.  This makes no sense to me.  Why do they care?  What do 
these people do with result set values that originate from
expressions or which are constants?  What about the result set
of compound selects or of natural joins where the origin column
is ambiguous?  If knowing the original column is so important, 
what do people do with those cases?  Disallow them?  What do
other database engines (PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL) do in the way
of revealing the originating column for result set values?  Do
they have some mysterious API that I have never seen?

And why do people care?  Can nobody give me a use case where it
is important to know what the originating column for a result
set value is?

[sqlite] Version 3.1.3 is a headache

2005-02-26 Thread Jakub Adamek
Hi, I really love SQLite, but upgrading to 3.1.3 was not a good idea. I 
have already posted 3 tickets with rather serious problems with column 

The last one is really annoying and I can't believe the auto-tests could 
have missed it ...

  create table a (id, x);
  create table b (id, y);
  insert into a values (1,1);
  insert into b values (1,2);
  select * from a inner join b;
column names returned: id,x,id,y How am I supposed to use such 
column names? Ouwey. No wonder that my C++ wrapper does not want to work 
with such a result set.


Re: [sqlite] String Concatenation

2005-01-05 Thread Jakub Adamek
I think it is not possible. You can't express an arbitrary loop with 
SQL. Perhaps you could write a group-by user function doing this, I am 
not sure, but user functions are again C code.

Keith Herold wrote:
I have a semi-quick question about how to do successive string concatenation.
I have a table:
CREATE TABLE mystrings
   AString VARCHAR(900),
Each AString is associated with an Owner; a single owner can have
multiple strings assigned to it, with the order of the strings held by
OwnerID, AString, Sequence
1,  'concatenate', 0
1, 'some', 1
1, 'strings', 2
1, 'together', 3
What I need to do is create a single string out of the AString,
Sequence pairs, for a given owner. Obviously I could do this through
some C++ code, but I would prefer to do it within SQL code, but can't
think of a way.  The sequences are not always the same lenght, i.e., a
particular owner may have 1, 10, or 1972 word long sequences.  With
cursors, I don't think this would be difficult, but I can't figure out
how to do this within SQLite.
Any help?
Jakub Adamek
Telematix Software, a.s.
Karoliny Svetle 12, Praha 1
Tel: +420 608 247197
Office: +420 224233470

Re: [sqlite] Row count in database

2004-12-17 Thread Jakub Adamek
Richard, and how about doing both? Using BEGIN ... COMMIT and at the 
same time turning off syncing?

D. Richard Hipp wrote:
Christopher Petrilli wrote:
Has anyone had any experience in storing a million or more rows in a
SQLite3 database?  I've got a database that I've been building, which
gets 250 inserts/second, roughly, and which has about 3M rows in it. 
At that point, the CPU load is huge.

Note that I've got syncing turned off, because I'm willing to accept
the risks.
I've been running some tests.  I find that INSERTs (into a table
with 5 indices) are 3.5 times faster if you put them inside
BEGIN...COMMIT rather than turning off syncing.

Re: [sqlite] coding style

2004-12-13 Thread Jakub Adamek
Hi all, I have a nasty problem with VIEWs and column names. I create a 
VIEW by joining two tables. If I use this view to create the table 
'problem', the column name "t1.a" appears instead of the expected (and 
needed) "a".
Is it a bug? Do you have an idea how to use the view so as it works?

Thanks, Jakub
create table t1 (a,b);
create table t2 (a,c);
insert into t1 values (1,2);
insert into t2 values (1,3);
create view myview as select t1.a a from t1 inner join t2 on t1.a=t2.a;
create table problem as select * from myview;

Re: [sqlite] Version 3.0.8

2004-10-14 Thread Jakub Adamek
Does this version support the verious BEGIN TRANSACTION types?
Thank you,
D. Richard Hipp wrote:
Version 3.0.8 is now available on the website.
The primary change is a series of code size optimizations.
There are also some obscure bug fixes and a few minor enhancments.
If you are not having problems with version 3.0.7 there is little
reason to upgrade.
Jakub Adamek
Telematix Software, a.s.
Karoliny Svetle 12, Praha 1
Tel: +420 608 247197
Office: +420 224233470

Re: [sqlite] eVC++ 3.0 port

2004-10-08 Thread Jakub Adamek
Did you try the sqlite-wince port?
Stober, Mel wrote:
has anyone ported sqlite 3.0 to PocketPC using eVC++ 3.0 compiler ?  I'm
trying it now and am having quite a few problems.  For example, functions in
 are not supported as well as file locking.
I'm also getting millions of warnings because program is attempting to
downgrade from int64 to int without typcasting, and even with typcasting
that is a dangerous thing to do.  If it doesn't need a 64-bit integer when
why use it in the first place???
Mel Stober
Jakub Adamek
Telematix Software, a.s.
Karoliny Svetle 12, Praha 1
Tel: +420 608 247197
Office: +420 224233470

Re: [sqlite] Version 3.0.7

2004-09-21 Thread Jakub Adamek
Thank you, I am looking forward to it. The Sqlite-Wince is really 
useful, I only copy it to my directory and compile on Win32, WinCE, 
Linux and QNX.

Nuno Lucas wrote:
Jakub Adamek, dando pulos de alegria, escreveu :
That's GREAT ! Nuno, are you going to merge Sqlite-Wince STABLE ?

I'll do that during this week.
~Nuno Lucas
Jakub Adamek
Telematix Software, a.s.
Karoliny Svetle 12, Praha 1
Tel: +420 608 247197
Office: +420 224233470

[sqlite] SQLite 3 release

2004-09-17 Thread Jakub Adamek
Hello, Dr. Hipp, please, what is the time estimate for releasing the 
version 3? I believe that it's not only me looking forward to it! It is 
too lovely, the version 3, how long should I live with version 2? :-))


Re: [sqlite] Is version 3 seriously broken?

2004-09-03 Thread Jakub Adamek
Nuno, hurrah, it works on first tests. I will run more later. Clever 
idea! I am now looking much forward to the release ... Thanks for your work.

Nuno Lucas wrote:
Jakub Adamek, dando pulos de alegria, escreveu :
 > Nuno, I am much surprised that version 3.0.5 helped you. It didn't help
 > me. Neither my nor your port. BUT your remark helped me! You are right
 > that it is because of stack space, and the default setting in Windows CE
 > projects is 0x1, i.e. 65 kB. After changing to 0x10, i.e. 1 MB
 > my test program which first added 1000 rows of size 0..2000, than
 > deleted all of them and created 1000 tables works fine. Did you perhaps
 > also change this setting?
Now that that you talked about it, I remembered an irritating bug in
VC++ that forces us to rebuild all after changing linking options
(clean, build doesn't work). You are right, it's the same...
But the good news is that I found the cure (well, thinking about it, I
should have remembered about it earlier). There is a
SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE constant exactly for the sake of embedded systems.
I committed a new version, where I defined that to be 1024 (instead of
the default of 8192) and it works now. I tried 2048 but it isn't low
enough, too.
If someone wants more, it will have to increase the stack size in the
linking options, and it should be done by someone that understands what
it wants to do.
 > Are you going to merge 3.0.6?
Already done and committed, stay tuned for the release...
~Nuno Lucas

Re: [sqlite] Is version 3 seriously broken?

2004-09-03 Thread Jakub Adamek
Nuno, I am much surprised that version 3.0.5 helped you. It didn't help 
me. Neither my nor your port. BUT your remark helped me! You are right 
that it is because of stack space, and the default setting in Windows CE 
projects is 0x1, i.e. 65 kB. After changing to 0x10, i.e. 1 MB 
my test program which first added 1000 rows of size 0..2000, than 
deleted all of them and created 1000 tables works fine. Did you perhaps 
also change this setting?

Are you going to merge 3.0.6?
Best regards,
Nuno Lucas wrote:
Jakub, I must ask you to forgive me as only now noticed you were not the 
sender of the tracker message for the bug. Sorry for the confusion (I 
must stop replying messages late at night).

In the code I tested it was always the 113th row because I only created 
a single table. I would assume it would happen sooner to you because you 
have several tables created.

It's a little difficult to test your code as it is dependent on other 
libraries. Could you post just the SQL statements used so we could check 
it with the new SQLite-wince v3.0.5?

As I don't know the classes you are using I have no way of checking the 
stack use of them (could they be creating rowsets in the stack, for 

Anyway, with the 3.0.5 port, I could now insert 5 rows without 
problems. Maybe you could check if my merge is different from yours and 
if it works now.

~Nuno Lucas
Jakub Adamek, dando pulos de alegria, escreveu :
Nuno, I have changed back to SQLite 2 and have my code ready to switch 
to version 3 again if the bug is repaired. The thing happens when 
first calling balance_nonroot, which is in your case always on the 
113th row, in my case on the 33th row and in the mail message[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03112.html
always at the sixth CREATE TABLE. I did try SQLite 3.0.5 and copied 
the changes as in SQLite-WinCE with no improvement.

I would agree with too much stack space, which may be perhaps solved 
by using malloc() and free() in sqlite_nonroot.


Re: [sqlite] Is version 3 seriously broken?

2004-09-01 Thread Jakub Adamek
Nuno, I have changed back to SQLite 2 and have my code ready to switch 
to version 3 again if the bug is repaired. The thing happens when first 
calling balance_nonroot, which is in your case always on the 113th row, 
in my case on the 33th row and in the mail message[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03112.html
always at the sixth CREATE TABLE. I did try SQLite 3.0.5 and copied the 
changes as in SQLite-WinCE with no improvement.

I would agree with too much stack space, which may be perhaps solved by 
using malloc() and free() in sqlite_nonroot.

Nuno Lucas wrote:
the "official" sqlite version isn't broken, it's the WinCE port that is.
I decided to announce that in the SQLite-WinCE page so people wouldn't
expect it to just work. There are other issues with the WinCE port (like
the Unicode handling, and that is also in the official version), but
this is serious enough because it crashes (with a stack overflow
exception) after inserting just 113 rows (and always 113 rows).
My guess is that the official version allocated too much stack space,
resulting in that exception.
I now have tested the same program with SQLite v3.0.5 (inserted 5
rows) and the problem disappeared. So something was corrected in the 
source code that makes it use less stack.

I would advise you to wait until I
commit those changes to CVS and make a new release so you can try by
I annexed your test program (with your bugs corrected), so you can check 
it works now.

~Nuno Lucas

/* BUG: the right header to include is "sqlite3.h".
   "sqliteint.h" is an internal header and can't be used safelly */
bool TestExecuter( sqlite3 *db_hnd, char *query, ... )
//  char **_result_set;
//  int _n_row=0;
//  int _n_col=0;
//  char *_error_msg;
va_list tmp_args;
va_start( tmp_args, query );
char *tmp_query = sqlite3_vmprintf( query, tmp_args );
sqlite3_stmt * stmt = 0;
const char* tail;
//  int tmp_ec = sqlite3_get_table( db_hnd, tmp_query, &_result_set, &_n_row, &_n_col, 
&_error_msg );
if ( sqlite3_prepare( db_hnd, tmp_query, strlen(tmp_query), ,  ) )
OutputDebugString( _T("sqlite3_prepare: error\n") );
return false;
int rc = sqlite3_step( stmt );
switch ( rc )
case SQLITE_ROW :   // First row ready
case SQLITE_DONE:   // Ok, simply no results for this command
default :   // Some error
(LPCWSTR)sqlite3_errmsg16(db_hnd) );
rc = sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
OutputDebugString( (LPCWSTR)sqlite3_errmsg16(db_hnd) );
// Libero la query.
/** BUG: no release of result set */
//  sqlite3_free_table( _result_set );
//  if ( (_n_row == -1) || (_error_msg != NULL) )
//  {
//  TCHAR buf[512];
//  _stprintf( buf, _T("Query Failed! - errmsg: %hs\n"), _error_msg );
//  OutputDebugString( buf );
//  /** BUG: no release of error message */
//  sqlite3_free( _error_msg );
//  /**/
//  }
// speedup things while testing
//  else
//  OutputDebugString( "Query Ok!\n" );
/** BUG: no va_end(tmp_args) */
va_end( tmp_args );
//  return (_n_row == -1) || (_error_msg != NULL);
return rc == SQLITE_OK;
int Test_Insert2(sqlite3 *db_hnd)
// Create some tables with data that we can select against
TestExecuter( db_hnd, "CREATE TABLE d1(n int, log int)" );
TestExecuter( db_hnd, "BEGIN" );
char tmp_str[256];
for (int i=1;i<=5;i++)
//  for ( int j=0; (1 << j) < i; j++ )
sprintf(tmp_str,"INSERT INTO d1 VALUES(%d,%d)",i,i);
TestExecuter( db_hnd, tmp_str );
TestExecuter( db_hnd, "END" );
TestExecuter( db_hnd, "SELECT * FROM d1 ORDER BY n" );
// finish_test
return 0;
#define DB_TEST "\\Test.db"
sqlite3 * db;
int err = sqlite3_open( DB_TEST,  );
if ( err )
return -1;
Test_Insert2( db );
/ BUG: no sqlite3_close can eventually corrupt the database */
sqlite3_close( db );
return 0;

Re: [sqlite] Is version 3 seriously broken?

2004-08-31 Thread Jakub Adamek
I didn't mention that I applied the diffs from SQLite-WinCE to version 
3.0.5 with the same results.

Jakub Adamek wrote:
the version 3 is most probably broken. I traced down the crash problem 
in Windows CE, see 

It happens in balance_nonroot but in the declare variable section! If I 
change the variables in balance_nonroot to "static", the test goes OK. 
But such an error must come from a wrong memory write before this 
function. I am not able to find this. I attach my test program, it only 
creates a table and starts inserting rows.

As the simiral problem appears on other OSes, see[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03112.html,
I wonder if some of the great developers could solve it?

Best regards
Darren Duncan wrote:
At 2:20 PM -0400 8/29/04, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
SQLite version 3.0.5 (beta) is now available on the website.

Richard, thank you very much for that release.
I have downloaded and compiled it under both Mac OS X 10.2.8 (GCC 3.1, 
3.3), and Mac OS X 10.3.5 (GCC3.3), with each development environment 
having the default set of libraries and headers.  It compiles without 
errors (but with warnings about long integer types) on all 
configurations, and ./sqlite3 starts up and quits normally.

Under both Mac OS X 10.2.8 configurations, 'make test' continues to 
fail due to my TCL library being out of date, as I had reported 

Under the Mac OS X 10.3.5 configurations, 'make test' succeeds, with a 
result of '0 errors out of 22364 tests'.  10.3.5 does have a new 
enough TCL bundled.

So at least with the newer setup, I can confirm that everything works.
Matt, I will eagerly test a newer DBD::SQLite as soon as you release it.
-- Darren Duncan

if (! db.execute (
"v VARCHAR (50),"
vector values;
values.push_back (12);
values.push_back ("ahoj brouku");
values.push_back (13);
values.push_back ("nazdar brouku");
if (! db.execute (
"INSERT INTO test VALUES (12, 'ahoj brouku')")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (db.execute (
"INSERT INTO test VALUES (12, 'nazdar brouku')")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (! db.execute (
"INSERT INTO test VALUES (13, 'nazdar brouku')")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (db.isExecutePrecompiledSupported()) {
vector params;
params.push_back (14);
params.push_back ("cau brundibare");
if (! db.executePrecompiled (
if (db.executePrecompiled (
values.push_back (14);
values.push_back ("cau brundibare");
COneWayRecordset rs (db);
if (! rs.openTable ("test")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (! rs.add()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
rs ["i"] = 15;
rs ["v"] = "Hello world";
if (! rs.update()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
values.push_back (15);
values.push_back ("Hello world");
if (! ("SELECT i, v FROM test")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
int irecord = 0;
bool ok;
while ( {
int i = rs ["i"].forceInt ();
string s = rs ["v"].asString();
if (i != values [irecord*2].forceInt ()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (s != values [irecord*2+1].asString()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
irecord ++;
	// fill some rows with string and binary data
	if (! db.begin()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (! rs.openTable ("test")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
	vector vec;
	string s;
	for (int row=1; row < 1000; row ++) {
		vec.push_back ((uint8_t) (row & 0xFF));
		s += long2string (row);
		CVariantValueBinary binary (& *vec.begin(), vec.size());
		if (! rs.add()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
		rs ["i"] = row * row;
		rs ["v"] = s; 
		if (! rs.update()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;	
		if (! rs.add()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
		rs ["i"] = row * row + 1;
		rs ["v"] = binary; 
		if (! rs.update()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;	
	if (! db.close()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
return true;

[sqlite] Is version 3 seriously broken?

2004-08-31 Thread Jakub Adamek
the version 3 is most probably broken. I traced down the crash problem 
in Windows CE, see

It happens in balance_nonroot but in the declare variable section! If I 
change the variables in balance_nonroot to "static", the test goes OK. 
But such an error must come from a wrong memory write before this 
function. I am not able to find this. I attach my test program, it only 
creates a table and starts inserting rows.

As the simiral problem appears on other OSes, see[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03112.html,
I wonder if some of the great developers could solve it?

Best regards
Darren Duncan wrote:
At 2:20 PM -0400 8/29/04, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
SQLite version 3.0.5 (beta) is now available on the website.

Richard, thank you very much for that release.
I have downloaded and compiled it under both Mac OS X 10.2.8 (GCC 3.1, 
3.3), and Mac OS X 10.3.5 (GCC3.3), with each development environment 
having the default set of libraries and headers.  It compiles without 
errors (but with warnings about long integer types) on all 
configurations, and ./sqlite3 starts up and quits normally.

Under both Mac OS X 10.2.8 configurations, 'make test' continues to fail 
due to my TCL library being out of date, as I had reported previously.

Under the Mac OS X 10.3.5 configurations, 'make test' succeeds, with a 
result of '0 errors out of 22364 tests'.  10.3.5 does have a new enough 
TCL bundled.

So at least with the newer setup, I can confirm that everything works.
Matt, I will eagerly test a newer DBD::SQLite as soon as you release it.
-- Darren Duncan
if (! db.execute (
"v VARCHAR (50),"

vector values;
values.push_back (12);
values.push_back ("ahoj brouku");
values.push_back (13);
values.push_back ("nazdar brouku");

if (! db.execute (
"INSERT INTO test VALUES (12, 'ahoj brouku')")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (db.execute (
"INSERT INTO test VALUES (12, 'nazdar brouku')")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (! db.execute (
"INSERT INTO test VALUES (13, 'nazdar brouku')")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;

if (db.isExecutePrecompiledSupported()) {
vector params;
params.push_back (14);
params.push_back ("cau brundibare");
if (! db.executePrecompiled (
if (db.executePrecompiled (
values.push_back (14);
values.push_back ("cau brundibare");

COneWayRecordset rs (db);
if (! rs.openTable ("test")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (! rs.add()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
rs ["i"] = 15;
rs ["v"] = "Hello world";
if (! rs.update()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
values.push_back (15);
values.push_back ("Hello world");

if (! ("SELECT i, v FROM test")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
int irecord = 0;
bool ok;
while ( {
int i = rs ["i"].forceInt ();
string s = rs ["v"].asString();
if (i != values [irecord*2].forceInt ()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (s != values [irecord*2+1].asString()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
irecord ++;

// fill some rows with string and binary data
if (! db.begin()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
if (! rs.openTable ("test")) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
vector vec;
string s;
for (int row=1; row < 1000; row ++) {
vec.push_back ((uint8_t) (row & 0xFF));
s += long2string (row);
CVariantValueBinary binary (& *vec.begin(), vec.size());
if (! rs.add()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
rs ["i"] = row * row;
rs ["v"] = s; 
if (! rs.update()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;  
if (! rs.add()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
rs ["i"] = row * row + 1;
rs ["v"] = binary; 
if (! rs.update()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;  
if (! db.close()) ERROR_RETURN_FALSE;
return true;

Re: [sqlite] QNX and PPC

2004-08-13 Thread Jakub Adamek
Hello, if anyone was watching my efforts, I have just won!
The PowerPC machine I am using had the folder /tmp mapped into shared 
memory and the file-locking did not work with it. I changed the 
sqlite3OsTempFileName() function and everything is fine.

I only wonder, what is the file SQLite creates in /tmp? My program calls 
"CREATE TABLE", "INSERT" and "SELECT". Why does SQLite need some 
temporary file?

Jakub Adamek wrote:
Still not running on Power PC QNX. I tried to comment out locking in 
os.c and the test program works fine. So the problem is really hidden in 
the findLockInfo() & co. functions. Does somebody have some experience?

Jakub Adamek wrote:
Thank you for your help. I am trying to cross-compile SQLite 2.8.15 on 
QNX-x86 to QNX-PPC. Is it possible to do so with some params for 

I tried to create the Makefile for QNX-x86 by just running 
"./configure" and to change it by hand:

TCC = qcc -g -O2 -V gcc_ntoppc -fno-inline -fno-pack-struct -EB 

LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CC $(TCC)
LTLINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link --tag=CC $(TCC)
LTINSTALL = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install --tag=CC $(INSTALL)
but the libtool linker failed with "/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: warning: 
powerpc:common architecture of input file '.libs/attach.o' is 
incompatible with i386 output'

thus I had to change the "libtool" script, replacing "gcc" with "qcc 
-V gcc_ntoppc". Which does not seem an elegant solution.

Christian Smith wrote:
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Jakub Adamek wrote:

Hi Armin,
thank you for your notes. Could you please tell me more about "That's
the case"? Is it possible to use SQLite on PPC or not possible? Did you
hear about a big-endian port of SQLite?

I've used SQLite on SPARC, PowerPC and PA-RISC, all big endian, with no
The SQLite database file is platform independent, being endian agnostic
and 32/64 bit clean.
BTW, you may want to upgrade to a later version of SQLite, 2.8.15 being
the latest 2.x release.

Armin Steinhoff wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 06.08.04 19:40:55:

Hello everybody,

does someone have any experience with building for the QNX operating
system? And for the Power PC processor?

QNX 6.2.1 is a real-time Linux but it behaves strangely sometimes.

No .. it doesn't behave 'strangely" at all :)

It has not gcc but a qcc compiler.

qcc is only a frontend of the gcc ... so QNX has gcc.

Our testing program runs correctly on
the x86 PC. It creates a database, a table, inserts and selects data.
But the same program cross-compiled on the same computer for PPC 
ends at
the first "CREATE TABLE" statement with SQLITE_BUSY.

I am using SQLite 2.8.6. Is it possible that the little-or-big-endian
thing could cause this trouble?

That's the case ..
  Armin Steinhoff

Or do you have any other ideas?

Thank you very much,

Aufnehmen, abschicken, nah sein - So einfach ist
WEB.DE Video-Mail:

[sqlite] SQLite 3 for Pocket PC

2004-08-11 Thread Jakub Adamek
Somebody mentioned here he/she has SQLite 3 working on Pocket PC. Could 
you please send the sources or diffs?


Re: [sqlite] QNX and PPC

2004-08-11 Thread Jakub Adamek
Still not running on Power PC QNX. I tried to comment out locking in 
os.c and the test program works fine. So the problem is really hidden in 
the findLockInfo() & co. functions. Does somebody have some experience?

Jakub Adamek wrote:
Thank you for your help. I am trying to cross-compile SQLite 2.8.15 on 
QNX-x86 to QNX-PPC. Is it possible to do so with some params for configure?

I tried to create the Makefile for QNX-x86 by just running "./configure" 
and to change it by hand:

TCC = qcc -g -O2 -V gcc_ntoppc -fno-inline -fno-pack-struct -EB 

LTCOMPILE = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=CC $(TCC)
LTLINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link --tag=CC $(TCC)
LTINSTALL = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=install --tag=CC $(INSTALL)
but the libtool linker failed with "/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: warning: 
powerpc:common architecture of input file '.libs/attach.o' is 
incompatible with i386 output'

thus I had to change the "libtool" script, replacing "gcc" with "qcc -V 
gcc_ntoppc". Which does not seem an elegant solution.

Christian Smith wrote:
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Jakub Adamek wrote:

Hi Armin,
thank you for your notes. Could you please tell me more about "That's
the case"? Is it possible to use SQLite on PPC or not possible? Did you
hear about a big-endian port of SQLite?

I've used SQLite on SPARC, PowerPC and PA-RISC, all big endian, with no
The SQLite database file is platform independent, being endian agnostic
and 32/64 bit clean.
BTW, you may want to upgrade to a later version of SQLite, 2.8.15 being
the latest 2.x release.

Armin Steinhoff wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 06.08.04 19:40:55:

Hello everybody,

does someone have any experience with building for the QNX operating
system? And for the Power PC processor?

QNX 6.2.1 is a real-time Linux but it behaves strangely sometimes.

No .. it doesn't behave 'strangely" at all :)

It has not gcc but a qcc compiler.

qcc is only a frontend of the gcc ... so QNX has gcc.

Our testing program runs correctly on
the x86 PC. It creates a database, a table, inserts and selects data.
But the same program cross-compiled on the same computer for PPC 
ends at
the first "CREATE TABLE" statement with SQLITE_BUSY.

I am using SQLite 2.8.6. Is it possible that the little-or-big-endian
thing could cause this trouble?

That's the case ..
  Armin Steinhoff

Or do you have any other ideas?

Thank you very much,

Aufnehmen, abschicken, nah sein - So einfach ist
WEB.DE Video-Mail:

Re: [sqlite] QNX and PPC

2004-08-09 Thread Jakub Adamek
No, I meant Power PC. We use SQLite in our Pocket PC car navigation 
system with big success also.

Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
On 8/9/2004 9:45 AM, Jakub Adamek wrote:
thank you for your notes. Could you please tell me more about "That's
the case"? Is it possible to use SQLite on PPC or not possible? Did you
hear about a big-endian port of SQLite?

Do you mean Power PC or Pocket PC ?
If you mean the second one, I can say sqlite works great on Pocket PC 
;-) I use it for almost all database driven projects.


Re: [sqlite] QNX and PPC

2004-08-09 Thread Jakub Adamek
Hi Armin,
thank you for your notes. Could you please tell me more about "That's
the case"? Is it possible to use SQLite on PPC or not possible? Did you
hear about a big-endian port of SQLite?
Armin Steinhoff wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 06.08.04 19:40:55:

Hello everybody,

does someone have any experience with building for the QNX operating 
system? And for the Power PC processor?

QNX 6.2.1 is a real-time Linux but it behaves strangely sometimes.

No .. it doesn't behave 'strangely" at all :)

It has not gcc but a qcc compiler. 

qcc is only a frontend of the gcc ... so QNX has gcc.

Our testing program runs correctly on 
the x86 PC. It creates a database, a table, inserts and selects data. 
But the same program cross-compiled on the same computer for PPC ends at 
the first "CREATE TABLE" statement with SQLITE_BUSY.

I am using SQLite 2.8.6. Is it possible that the little-or-big-endian 
thing could cause this trouble? 

That's the case ..
   Armin Steinhoff

Or do you have any other ideas?

Thank you very much,

Aufnehmen, abschicken, nah sein - So einfach ist 
WEB.DE Video-Mail:

[sqlite] QNX and PPC

2004-08-06 Thread Jakub Adamek
Hello everybody,
does someone have any experience with building for the QNX operating 
system? And for the Power PC processor?

QNX 6.2.1 is a real-time Linux but it behaves strangely sometimes. It 
has not gcc but a qcc compiler. Our testing program runs correctly on 
the x86 PC. It creates a database, a table, inserts and selects data. 
But the same program cross-compiled on the same computer for PPC ends at 
the first "CREATE TABLE" statement with SQLITE_BUSY.

I am using SQLite 2.8.6. Is it possible that the little-or-big-endian 
thing could cause this trouble? Or do you have any other ideas?

Thank you very much,

Re: [sqlite] A proposal for SQLite version 3.0

2004-04-08 Thread Jakub Adamek
Yes, that is right, my database consists of mainly numbers. Some of them 
have 10 digits, some have less. This would explain part of the 
difference. I was also wondering if Access perhaps has some type of 
index comprimation, like cutting pre- and postfixes in the B-tree.


Simon Berthiaume wrote:

It might be true if you mostly store large quantities of NUMERICAL data
(float, int, ...) since they are currently stored as strings (the value
1234567, would be stored using at least 7-8 bytes instead of 4). If you
were in the same situation as I, where I use database mostly for
strings, you would be in the opposite situation, the SQLite database
would be about half the size of the MS Access one, since MS Access seems
to save all strings as UTF-16.
Simon B.

On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 10:50, Jakub Adamek wrote:


I am using SQLite in a car navigation system which should work on PDAs 
as well. Thus speed and size is crucial for us. SQLite is superb in the 
speed category, but the size of its file is not so superb. I see you 
mentioned something about file size. My experience is that SQLite makes 
roughly about 3x bigger files than MS Access. How would this change in 3.0?

Thanks for your excellent work,

Jakub Adamek

D. Richard Hipp wrote:

A design proposal for SQLite version 3.0 can be found at:

Feedback from the user community is strongly encouraged.
An executive summary of the proposed changes follows:
  *  Support for UTF-16
  *  Better BLOB support
  *  User-defined collating sequences (for better
 internationalization support)
  *  Smaller and faster than 2.8.13.
The plan is to continue to support the 2.8.X series
indefinately and in parallel to the 3.X series.  But
the only changes to 2.8.X going forward will be bug
fixes.  New features will go into 3.X.  Beta releases
of version 3.X are expected within a few months.
I do not have much experience with UTF-16 and am
expecially interested in feedback on that area of
the design.
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Re: [sqlite] A proposal for SQLite version 3.0

2004-04-07 Thread Jakub Adamek

I am using SQLite in a car navigation system which should work on PDAs 
as well. Thus speed and size is crucial for us. SQLite is superb in the 
speed category, but the size of its file is not so superb. I see you 
mentioned something about file size. My experience is that SQLite makes 
roughly about 3x bigger files than MS Access. How would this change in 3.0?

Thanks for your excellent work,

Jakub Adamek

D. Richard Hipp wrote:

A design proposal for SQLite version 3.0 can be found at:

Feedback from the user community is strongly encouraged.
An executive summary of the proposed changes follows:
   *  Support for UTF-16
   *  Better BLOB support
   *  User-defined collating sequences (for better
  internationalization support)
   *  Smaller and faster than 2.8.13.
The plan is to continue to support the 2.8.X series
indefinately and in parallel to the 3.X series.  But
the only changes to 2.8.X going forward will be bug
fixes.  New features will go into 3.X.  Beta releases
of version 3.X are expected within a few months.
I do not have much experience with UTF-16 and am
expecially interested in feedback on that area of
the design.
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Re: [sqlite] Database Full!

2004-02-17 Thread Jakub Adamek
it seems to me the solution would be: Create a special small file just 
to protect some disc space. If you lack on disc space, delete the 
protecting file (and hope nobody will steal the disc space inbetween) 
and delete some records. Than again create the protecting file. 
Obviously, in a live system this may fail ...


D. Richard Hipp wrote:

Benoit Gantaume wrote:

I am trying to handle a problem that occurs when the disk is full:
when i try to insert, that return SQLITE_FULL.
There is not problem to get some elements from the database.
Then I try to remove some elements...
But that returns SQLITE_BUSY!
I have tryed to stop all operation with: sqlite_interrupt(this->cdb);
But it seems to have no effect!
How can I free the database so that I can remove some elements from it?

DELETE requires some temporary disk space for the rollback journal.
So if your disk is full, you cannot delete.
Furthermore, just doing some DELETEs does not reduce the size of the
database file.  DELETE just adds some 1024-byte blocks of the file to
an internal freelist where they can be reused later for other purposes.
To actually reduce the size of the database file, you need to run
VACUUM after you DELETE.  VACUUM requires temporary disk space that
is a little over 2x larger than the size of the original database.
So (ironically) if you are low on disk space, VACUUM probably will
not run.
So, as you can see, it is difficult to get SQLite to run when you are
low on disk space.  Your best solution is to get a bigger disk.
A bigger disk drive is the right answer for your desktop, but for
an embedded solution (with perhaps a few MB of flash disk) that is
not practical.  That problem has been brought to my attention and
work is underway to make SQLite behave better in a low diskspace
environment.  Unfortunately, the changes to accomplish this will not
be available in the public version of SQLite for a least 3 more months
and probably longer than that.  Sorry.
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