I am trying to compile sqlite db with icu support using cygwin on windows. 
As I am using the amalgamation version my understanding is that everthing I 
need is already included. 
But when I try to compile this it complains about missing header files: 
> gcc.exe -DSQLITE_ENABLE_ICU -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 -c shell.c sqlite3.c

it results in: 
> unicode/utypes.h: No such file or directory
> #include <unicode/utypes.h>
So I downloaded icu binary package (icu4c-52_1-Win64-msvc10.zip) that has the 
missing header files and included them like this: 
> -I/cygdrive/c/<installationPathToICU>/icu/include/ -c shell.c sqlite3.c
Then it is not complaining about the missing headers files anymore and produces 
an object file: 
> sqlite3.o
Now I am trying to create a dll out of this file with the following: 
> gcc -shared -o sqlite.dll sqlite3.o
But the linker complains about missing functions: 
> sqlite3.o:sqlite3.c:(.text+0x115d): undefined reference to `_localtime64'
> sqlite3.o:sqlite3.c:(.text+0x99f67): undefined reference to `u_foldCase_52'
> sqlite3.o:sqlite3.c:(.text+0x99f7d): undefined reference to `u_foldCase_52'
> sqlite3.o:sqlite3.c:(.text+0x9a17f): undefined reference to 
> `utf8_nextCharSafeBody_52'
> sqlite3.o:sqlite3.c:(.text+0x9a1f2): undefined reference to `u_errorName_52'
> sqlite3.o:sqlite3.c:(.text+0x9a255): undefined reference to `uregex_close_52
> ...
I need to get a dll file because I would like to put this into the JDBC driver 
for SQLite which is basically a wrapper around the native implementation. Wich 
is a dll file on windows. 
Did anybody sucessfully do this? Or maybe have an idea as to what I am 
missing/doing wrong?
Thx & regards, 
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