Re: [sqlite] When to release version 3.3.10?

2007-01-05 Thread Mario Frasca

I've read this article more than once and I still find it inspiring...

I'd say, you have the fix, just release it, why not?  if you're waiting 
for a next bug, you'll never have the guarantee that "tomorrow" no bug 
will be found which can be fixed within a limited amount of hours...


The question is: should I rush out 3.3.10 to cover this important
bug fix, wait a week to see if any other bugs surface, or do the 
usual 1-2 month release schedule and let people effected by this 
bug apply the patch above.

thanks for all your work!

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Re: [sqlite] a question about muticonnection

2006-12-07 Thread Mario Frasca

Christian Smith wrote:

You can use the rowid to track the row version, and a unique 
constraint on your key to track conflicts. When updating a record, 
read the row, including the rowid. Update any columns.

When writing the row out, delete the existing rowid, then insert the 
new updated row, all within a transaction.

If noone has updated the row since you read it, the delete should 
delete one row and the insert should succeed. If someone else has 
updated the row using this protocol, the delete should delete no rows, 
and the insert should fail with a unique constraint violation on your 

maybe I'm missing something, but how does this behave if the row is 
updated a second time in the meanwhile (something like C acting as B 
between A-read and A-write)?  I've the impression that the insert will 
not fail...

just a doubt...


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Re: [sqlite] a question about muticonnection

2006-12-06 Thread Mario Frasca

hongdong wrote:

I just have a base question:
assume user A and user B now both connection to a same database and 
both of

them want to update a  same record,but only one is allowed
in  this condition:
A begin to browse the data in a client application,and load rowid into 

and keep it in memory.
B update the record which A want to update
A now used the id stored in memory to update the same record
now it's wrong.
anyone can give me advice how to avoid this and keep the operation is

this sounds like shared and exclusive locks.
A wants a shared lock and possibly upgrade it.
B wants an exclusive lock.

when A starts first:
once A gets its shared lock, B cannot receive an exclusive lock and goes 
in standby.
A upgrades its lock to an exclusive lock (there are reasons not to start 
asking for a shared lock if you know from the beginning that you're 
going to need an exclusive lock).

A releases the lock.
B finally gets in.

notice that if both A and B start asking a shared lock, you'll get in 
trouble...  someone must be allowed to break locks and oblige clients to 

can't point you to english literature, but I'm sure Wikipedia contains 
useful hints.


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Re: [sqlite] Query generation

2006-12-06 Thread Mario Frasca

Lloyd wrote:

select a from mytable where (b=0) and

and this is a syntax error.

you're not saying which language you're using.

in Python a common solution looks like this:
clauses = []
# add strings to the clauses list, like
# join the parts using appropriate glue
where = ' AND '.join(clauses)

sometimes I do need something like what you call "an empty clause"...
some engines accept 'TRUE', others don't know that literal.
I find this quite convenient:


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Re: [sqlite] autoincrement and integer primary key

2006-11-16 Thread Mario Frasca


In the FAQ's on the web site it indicated that when the primary key is
autoincrement, the data type is a signed 64 bit number.  Has this been your

never noticed...  not in Python with the sqlite modules I have...  and 
no difference whether I use the 'autoincrement' keyword or not, as long 
as we're talking about 'integer primary key' / oid...

Python 2.3.5 (#2, Oct 16 2006, 19:19:48)
{also tried with no difference:
Python 2.4.1 (#2, Oct 18 2006, 20:58:01)
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
>>> db = sqlite.connect(':memory:')
>>> cr = db.cursor()
>>> cr.execute('create table test(pk integer primary key autoincrement, 
v string)')

>>> cr.execute("insert into test (v) values ('test')")
>>> cr.execute("select * from test")
>>> cr.fetchone()
(1, u'test')
>>> cr.execute("select * from test")
>>> [type(i) for i in cr.fetchone()]
[, ]
>>> type(1L)


Python 2.4.4 (#2, Oct 20 2006, 00:57:46)
[GCC 4.1.2 20061007 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-16)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sqlite
>>> db = sqlite.connect(':memory:')
>>> cr = db.cursor()
>>> cr.execute('create table test(pk integer primary key, v string)')
>>> cr.execute("insert into test (v) values ('test')")
>>> cr.execute("select * from test")
>>> cr.fetchone()
(1, 'test')
>>> cr.execute("select * from test")
>>> [type(i) for i in cr.fetchone()]
[, ]

in short: no, it's not my experience.


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Re: [sqlite] index in CREATE TABLE

2006-11-15 Thread Mario Frasca

Cécilia Vigny wrote:

With MySQL, it's possible to declare an index in CREATE TABLE, using 
KEY, like in this example :

CREATE TABLE  table_name (
 id int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 field_name date default NULL,
 KEY idx_field_name (fieldname),
) ;

I want to know if there is an equivalence with SQLite ?

maybe this is what you want:

CREATE TABLE  table_name (
field_name date default NULL
) ;
CREATE INDEX idx_field_name ON table_name(field_name);

also: have a look at (SQL As Understood 
By SQLite)

(editing your code you forgot an underscore and left an extra comma)


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Re: [sqlite] autoincrement and integer primary key

2006-11-15 Thread Mario Frasca
just a few explainatory notes from me to myself, hoping that they might 
be useful for the community...

again about integer primary key autoincrement, with some details about 
last_insert_rowid() and sqlite_sequence.


each table has an integer primary key, that you explictly ask for it or 
not.  this field is called "oid" and possibly also in other ways...

if you explicitly declare a field "integer primary key" (literally!), 
the integer primary key (which would be created anyways) becomes also 
visible under the name you chose for the field.

the function last_insert_rowid() returns the value of the integer 
primary key of the last inserted record.  (the oid, which may coincide 
with your integer primary key).

if you declare a field "integer primary key autoincrement" (literally, 
non case sensitive, in this order!), some sort of sequence is created to 
insure that no value for primary key is ever reused.  real sequences do 
not exist in sqlite3, so the reserved table sqlite_sequence is used to 
associate a table name to the highest value already used.  the record 
relative to the table is created when the first record is inserted into 
the table.

when you insert a record into a table and leave the task of choosing the 
oid to sqlite, sqlite will look into the table to get the highest oid 
currently in use (or into the sqlite_sequence table if you used 
"autoincrement"), increment it by one and use this value (and possibly 
update the sqlite_sequence table).

just to make a silly example:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE test(
  ...> v int default 0);
sqlite> INSERT INTO "test" VALUES(2, 0);
sqlite> INSERT INTO "test" VALUES(1, 1);
sqlite> select last_insert_rowid();
sqlite> SELECT seq FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name='test';


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Re: [sqlite] using auto increment in java

2006-11-14 Thread Mario Frasca

On 11/11/2006 10:16 PM, Will Leshner wrote:

You should be able to get the last inserted rowid using the
last_insert_rowid() function in a query:

SELECT last_insert_rowid();

sorry for the slow reaction, but I had to check my own code first...

On Fri, 28 Jul 2006 16:47:21 +0200, Nemanja Corlija <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

There is also a last_insert_rowid() function that is like an alias for 
sqlite_last_insert_rowid() API function and it works per db 
connection. I don't think this this is very useful with true 
AUTOINCREMENT fields, so sqlite_sequence is really the way to go.

based that, I included this in my library...

   elif engine == 'sqlite':
   query2 = "SELECT seq FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name='%s'" % 

any clarifying comments?
thanks a lot,

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Re: [sqlite] LEFT OUTER JOIN + INNER JOIN problem

2006-11-14 Thread Mario Frasca

Gábor Farkas wrote:

i think it should only output the first row ( "5|admin|1|5|1|john" )

tried what you describe and get the answer you expect, not the one you got:

sqlite> select * from role
  ...> LEFT OUTER JOIN person_role on = person_role.role_id
  ...> INNER JOIN person on person_role.person_id =
  ...> WHERE;

(using ubuntu edgy, sqlite3 3.3.5)

using debian 3.1, sqlite3 3.3.8,
the same also on Mac OS X, sqlite3 3.3.7...


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Re: [sqlite] strange behavior of "<" and ">" operator

2006-09-13 Thread Mario Frasca

Andrea Federico Grisotto wrote:

*fromId* and *toId* are VARCHAR, if I use *int* the behavior is correct,
excuse me again,  but remain the difference behavior between sqlite 
and Mysql.

just food for thought: when you're asking an ambiguous question (like in 
the case of comparing apples with potatoes) the answer is a question of 

since you have declared fromId and toId to be VARCHAR, it is correct to 
compare them with other VARCHAR values, like here...

SELECT * from np WHERE ('42'>=fromId) AND ('42'<=toId);

in this case you are clearing stating what you want and you get the same 
answer from both engines.

in the expression (42 >= fromId) mysql converts fromId to integer and 
performs an integer comparison, while sqlite3 converts the 42 to string 
and performs a string comparison.  as said, a question of interpretation.


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Re: [sqlite] Database on usbstick

2006-09-05 Thread Mario Frasca

Sergio 'OKreZ' Agosti wrote:

On 05/set/06, at 15:03, eWobbuh wrote:

I still cant find it. Cant find anything about where to look for a  
database. [...]

The name of the database passed to the open function actually is the  
path to the database file

yes, where maybe we could add that sqlite has this big difference from 
(say) mysql, that is there is no server process running anywhere: the 
client attaches to a file containing the whole database.

but why add it here if it is already written in the online 
documentation?  just follow the link 'distinctive features'.  did you 
try the suggestion in "Create A 
New Database"?

as said: have fun, trying...


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Re: [sqlite] Database on usbstick

2006-09-05 Thread Mario Frasca

eWobbuh wrote:

Havent try it yet, just wondering if its possible. Do you know how you tell
sqlite where to find a database? havent worked before with it.. only with
mysql contains a link to 'documentation'.
the very impatient reader will follow 'sqlite in 5 minutes or less'
there (s)he will find the answer to the very first questions. 
maybe (s)he wants to follow the link to 'additional documentation', 
something like 'life with sqlite from minute 6 to 20'...

have fun,

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Re: [sqlite] Database on usbstick

2006-09-05 Thread Mario Frasca

eWobbuh wrote:

here a sqlite noob. Is it possible in linux to have a sqlite database on a
usb stick which i can acces from an hard disk? On the hard disk runs linux
with sqlite.

have you already tried?  I don't think there should be any problems, 
except possibly regarding the performance...

when you have 'mounted' the usb stick, I don't think that sqlite3 can 
tell the difference between a file on the usb stick, one on your local 
hard disk, or wherever else...


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Re: [sqlite] problem with auto increment of ROWID

2006-08-30 Thread Mario Frasca

Dixon Hutchinson wrote:

   H:\b>sqlite3.exe t.dat
   SQLite version 3.3.7
   Enter ".help" for instructions
   sqlite> CREATE TABLE abc
  ...> (
  ...> c TEXT,
  ...> p INTEGER,
  ...> t TEXT,
  ...> masked INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
  ...> UNIQUE(p,c)
  ...> );

Notice I still have elements 1,2 and 3 in the end where I want to have 
elements 1, 2 and 4.

which is the reason why sqlite has autoincrement...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /usr/bin/sqlite3
SQLite version 3.3.4
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> CREATE TABLE abc ( c  TEXT,p INTEGER, t TEXT, masked INTEGER 

sqlite> INSERT INTO abc(c,p,t) VALUES('t1', 24, 't2');
sqlite> INSERT INTO abc(c,p,t) VALUES('t3', 25, 't4');
sqlite> INSERT INTO abc(c,p,t) VALUES('t5', 26, 't6');
sqlite> SELECT * FROM abc;
sqlite> DELETE FROM abc WHERE ROWID='3';
sqlite> INSERT INTO abc(c,p,t) VALUES('t5', 26, 't8');
sqlite> SELECT * FROM abc;

works also if you write "rowid" instead of "masked"

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Re: [sqlite] Performance Question

2006-08-30 Thread Mario Frasca

On 2006-0829 13:15:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To my surprise (perhaps "horror") I find that SQLite has
for a very long time allowed NULL values in PRIMARY KEY
columns.  [...]

I understand your concern about legacy programs, but most of us expect PRIMARY 
KEY to imply NOT NULL...  don't we?  what about looking for alternative good 
solutions?  we could put the correction code in the source, conditionally 
compiled (not the default) and with the next major release reverse the 
condition (new 'corrected' source becomes default and old 'legacy' behaviour 
still available if desired) ... ?

maybe 'the best of both worlds', hope you agree.


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Re: [sqlite] Performance Question

2006-08-29 Thread Mario Frasca

Mario Frasca wrote:

Kurt Welgehausen wrote:

[...] should I write a bug ticket
about a primary key accepting nulls? 

there is already a ticket for that: 518.  I reopened it three days ago.

I have right now attached a patch for it.  it is quite small and I hope 
it fits in the current style.


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Re: [sqlite] Performance Question

2006-08-29 Thread Mario Frasca

Kurt Welgehausen wrote:


Saying NOT NULL on a PRIMARY KEY is redundant, by the way.

Am I missing something, or should I write a bug ticket
about a primary key accepting nulls?

there is already a ticket for that: 518.  I reopened it three days ago.


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[sqlite] duplicate primary key

2006-08-25 Thread Mario Frasca

I'm recording this behaviour:

sqlite> create table test(f integer primary key autoincrement, v integer 
default 0);

sqlite> insert into test(f) values(NULL);
sqlite> insert into test(f) values(NULL);
sqlite> insert into test(f) values(NULL);
sqlite> select * from test;

this is very nice...

sqlite> create table test(f integer primary key, v integer default 0);
sqlite> insert into test(f) values(NULL);
sqlite> insert into test(f) values(NULL);
sqlite> insert into test(f) values(NULL);
sqlite> select * from test;

this is a bit surprising; where does the autoincrement-like behaviour 
come from?  without an explicit autoincrement definition, I would expect 
something like 'ERROR:  null value in column "f" violates not-null 
constraint' (for all inserts) or at least 'SQL error: PRIMARY KEY must 
be unique' (for all inserts after the first), depending on whether we 
want to allow NULL primary keys or not.

sqlite> create table test(f char(24) primary key, v integer default 0);
sqlite> insert into test(f) values(NULL);
sqlite> insert into test(f) values(NULL);
sqlite> insert into test(f) values(NULL);
sqlite> select * from test;

what is going on here?  I'm having three records with the same NULL 
primary key.


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Re: [sqlite] Seems like a bug in the parser

2006-08-23 Thread Mario Frasca

Joe Wilson wrote:

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

SQLite accepts the above and does the right thing with it.
It is the equivalent of saying:


Not sure what you mean by the "right thing". It's not obvious 
why the rows returned by this GROUP BY are significant.

sqlite> select a,b from qqq group by b;

mysql> select a,b from qqq group by b;
| a| b|
| 4|9 |
| 1|   10 |
| 4|   11 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

postgresql says:
ERROR:  column "qqq.a" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in 
an aggregate function

oracle says:
ORA-00979: non è un'espressione GROUP BY
(in translation: this is not a GROUP BY expression)

as you see, the two engines returning a result give different results on 
the same data inserted in the same order.  as Joe, I also don't see 
which should be considered "the" right thing and would rather have an 
error message.

what does SQL92 say?


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Re: [sqlite] primary key information

2006-08-07 Thread Mario Frasca

Nemanja Corlija wrote:

I think in any other case unique index would be created as expected.

sqlite> drop table test;
sqlite> create table test (ni integer, pk_name varchar(32) primary key, 
info integer);

sqlite> pragma index_list(test);
sqlite> pragma table_info(test);

that seems to be correct... interesting, thanks,


Re: [sqlite] primary key information

2006-08-07 Thread Mario Frasca

Nemanja Corlija wrote:

If you turn the headers on (.header ON) you'll see that the last
column of table_info() output is "pk".
This column indicates weather or not the table column in question is
part of primary key.

Though that last column of table_info() pragma is missing from 
documentation at

very nice, thanks:

   elif engine == 'sqlite':
   cr.execute("pragma table_info(%s)"
  % tablename)
   pkeys = [fielddef[1] for fielddef in cr.fetchall() if 
fielddef[5] ==1]


I was a bit wondering: does the declaration 'primary key' actually 
produce an indexing?  or does that happen only if I explicitly ask for a 
(unique) index?


[sqlite] primary key information

2006-08-07 Thread Mario Frasca

hallo, list...

how do I get primary key information about a table?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sqlite3 /data/mariof/test.db
SQLite version 3.3.6
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> drop table test;
sqlite> create table test (pk integer primary key, name varchar(32), 
info integer);

sqlite> create unique index itest on test (name);
sqlite> pragma index_list(test);
sqlite> pragma table_info(test);
sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(test);

I would have expected to see something like this:
sqlite> pragma index_list(test);

that is, that primary keys be treated as unique indices with a standard 
naming pattern.  what is the deal?


Re: [sqlite] date data types

2006-08-07 Thread Mario Frasca

Kees Nuyt wrote:

	PRAGMA table_info(tablename);


>>> from pysqlite2 import dbapi2
>>> db = dbapi2.connect('/data/mariof/test.db')
>>> cr = db.cursor()
>>> cr.execute('pragma table_info(test3)')
>>> cr.fetchall()
[(0, u'd', u'date', 0, None, 0),
(1, u'h', u'time', 0, None, 0),
(2, u't', u'timestamp', 0, None, 0),
(3, u'i', u'interval', 0, None, 0)]

so yes, it does.
many thanks.

but I still don't understand...  casting a value to the type of the 
declaration sounds to me quite in conflict with the dynamic typing of 
sqlite.  on the other hand I don't see in which way adding these three 
types (time being assimilated in interval) would break the design.  just 


Re: [sqlite] date data types

2006-08-04 Thread Mario Frasca


Adding DATE and TIMEINTERVAL types to SQLite would require an
incompatible file format change.  

well, yes, that was already clear.  but: where is the type of the data 
being stored?  aren't there a few spare bits to use for 'future 
additions', that is, new data types?  sure, a file containing date data 
would not be understood by executables where this has not been defined, 
but maybe it is possible to do it so that they see a 'text'...  or maybe 

And it would go against the
basic philosophy of SQLite.

in which way?

but as far as I am concerned, I'll be happy if I can get the original 
type declaration for the column by querying the database.  is there a 
way to do so?  I've looked into the doc (for example, 
"information_schema") but I found nothing which was working for me...

thanks and regards,

Re: [sqlite] date data types

2006-08-04 Thread Mario Frasca

Nuno Lucas wrote:

You need to get the column declared type and convert it to the type
you want based on that.

mmm...  so I would look at it in a statically typed way.  it sounds 
reasonable and is surely acceptable for me.  but: how do I get the 
declared type of the column?  currently the python interface does not 
retrieve this information, probably because of the dynamic typing of the 

You can always add a ticket for it, as a new feature, and see how it 
goes ;-)

you mean: reporting a bug?  I don't manage to access the page from here, 
but I see that from home it does work.  will definitely do so.  it could 
be an optional feature, to be enabled at compile time...


Re: [sqlite] date data types

2006-08-04 Thread Mario Frasca

Dennis Cote wrote:

Mario Frasca wrote:

where I would expect:
sqlite> select datetime('now');
2006-08-03 11:36:32.211032
sqlite> select typeof(datetime('now'));
sqlite> select datetime('now') - date('2006-01-01');
214 11:36:51.291331
sqlite> select typeof(datetime('now') - date('2006-01-01'));


The DATE and DATETIME types you seem to be expecting are handled
in SQLite as Julian dates. These are floating point numbers that

The TIMEDELTA type is also represented as a floating point number

Try these queries instead: [...]

nice.  if I was just working inside of SQL and was only interested in printing 
the values, it would probably be fine.  my problem is that I'm co-author of a 
python library ( on top of various db-api2 interface 
libraries to three or four db engines (four, if I can include sqlite).  one of 
the problems consists in writing and retrieving datetime data to the database.  
the dynamic typing of sqlite is not a problem, actually it fits quite good with 
the strong dynamic typing system of Python...  but then, when I write to just 
any field a value which is a date, I would like to get back a value which is a 
date, not a string or a floating point number.  the same goes for a datetime 
and a timedelta, which are each a separate type in python...

would it be difficult, or simply impossible, to implement these types in sqlite?

anyway thanks a lot for your answer and queries!


[sqlite] date data types

2006-08-03 Thread Mario Frasca
are there any plans to support more data types than NULL, INTEGER, REAL, 
TEXT, BLOB?  in particular I am interested in support of: DATE, 

I tried the datetime functions, but:
sqlite> select datetime('now');
2006-08-03 11:36:32
sqlite> select typeof(datetime('now'));
sqlite> select datetime('now') - date('2006-01-01');
sqlite> select typeof(datetime('now') - date('2006-01-01'));

where I would expect:
sqlite> select datetime('now');
2006-08-03 11:36:32.211032
sqlite> select typeof(datetime('now'));
sqlite> select datetime('now') - date('2006-01-01');
214 11:36:51.291331
sqlite> select typeof(datetime('now') - date('2006-01-01'));

as far as I can judge, it does fit in the dynamic typing of sqlite...  
would it be too difficult to implement cleanly and efficiently?


[sqlite] insert default values - implemented

2006-08-01 Thread Mario Frasca

Mario Frasca wrote:

I'm throwing this here, I assume that it would not be too much work to 
complete this patch. the aim is to support the sql92 syntax insert 
into  default values;

all right, a possible complete patch, maybe could be added to the 
rest...  don't tell me that it looks ugly, I totally agree, but it 
behaves as described...  :) 

cvs diff: Diffing src
Index: src/insert.c
RCS file: /sqlite/sqlite/src/insert.c,v
retrieving revision 1.170
diff -u -r1.170 insert.c
--- src/insert.c	19 Jun 2006 03:05:10 -	1.170
+++ src/insert.c	1 Aug 2006 11:56:15 -
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@
 **insert into TABLE (IDLIST) values(EXPRLIST)
 **insert into TABLE (IDLIST) select
+**insert into TABLE default values
 ** The IDLIST following the table name is always optional.  If omitted,
 ** then a list of all columns for the table is substituted.  The IDLIST
@@ -380,14 +381,36 @@
   sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, iInitCode);
-  }else{
+  }else if (pList == 0){
+assert( pColumn == 0 );
+/* This is the case if no data has been supplied and DEFAULT VALUES are
+** to be inserted.  this is a minimalistic impact approach...  a fake
+** list of columns containing just the primary key and a fake list of
+** values containing just a NULL are created, as if the user had issued
+** the SQL command: "insert into  () values (NULL)".  the
+** rest of the function remains untouched.  error messages are issued if
+** the equivalent command causes them.
+Expr *A;
+Token the_null = { (u8*)"NULL", 0, 4 };
+A = sqlite3Expr(TK_NULL, 0, 0, _null);
+pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(0,A,0);
+nColumn = 1; /* same as pList->nExpr */
+Token the_pkey = { 0, 0, 0 };
+the_pkey.z = pTab->aCol[pTab->iPKey].zName;
+the_pkey.n = strlen(pTab->aCol[pTab->iPKey].zName);
+pColumn = sqlite3IdListAppend(0, _pkey);
+  } else{
 /* This is the case if the data for the INSERT is coming from a VALUES
 ** clause
 NameContext sNC;
 memset(, 0, sizeof(sNC));
 sNC.pParse = pParse;
-assert( pList!=0 );
 srcTab = -1;
 useTempTable = 0;
 assert( pList );
Index: src/parse.y
RCS file: /sqlite/sqlite/src/parse.y,v
retrieving revision 1.206
diff -u -r1.206 parse.y
--- src/parse.y	11 Jul 2006 10:42:36 -	1.206
+++ src/parse.y	1 Aug 2006 11:56:16 -
@@ -598,6 +598,10 @@
 cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) inscollist_opt(F) 
 VALUES LP itemlist(Y) RP.
 {sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, Y, 0, F, R);}
+cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) DEFAULT VALUES.
+{ sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, 0, 0, 0, R);}
+cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) LP RP VALUES LP RP.
+{ sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, 0, 0, 0, R);}
 cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) inscollist_opt(F) select(S).
 {sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, 0, S, F, R);}
cvs diff: Diffing src/ex

Re: [sqlite] Re: insert default values - supporting it?

2006-08-01 Thread Mario Frasca

just to show that it does not crash:

sqlite> create table test2 (k integer primary key autoincrement);
sqlite> insert into test2 default values;
sqlite> insert into test2 () values ();
sqlite> select * from test2;

Re: [sqlite] Re: insert default values - supporting it?

2006-08-01 Thread Mario Frasca
I refined the patch.  it constructs a list of values with one NULL, but 
I don't see how to construct an idList with just the primary key.

also added the grammar rule to recognize both:
insert into  default values;
insert into  () values ();

anybody completing/correcting the work? 

sqlite> insert into test () values ();
SQL error: table test has 3 columns but 1 values were supplied


cvs diff: Diffing src
Index: src/insert.c
RCS file: /sqlite/sqlite/src/insert.c,v
retrieving revision 1.170
diff -u -r1.170 insert.c
--- src/insert.c	19 Jun 2006 03:05:10 -	1.170
+++ src/insert.c	1 Aug 2006 08:26:28 -
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@
 **insert into TABLE (IDLIST) values(EXPRLIST)
 **insert into TABLE (IDLIST) select
+**insert into TABLE default values
 ** The IDLIST following the table name is always optional.  If omitted,
 ** then a list of all columns for the table is substituted.  The IDLIST
@@ -380,7 +381,22 @@
   sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, iInitCode);
-  }else{
+  }else if (pList == 0){
+assert( pColumn == 0 );
+/* This is the case if no data has been supplied and DEFAULT VALUES are
+** to be inserted.  a minimal impact approach would be to create here a
+** temporary list of columns containing just the primary key and a
+** temporary list of values containing just a NULL.  the rest of the
+** function would remain untouched.
+Expr *A;
+Token the_null = { (u8*)"NULL", 0, 4 };
+A = sqlite3Expr(TK_NULL, 0, 0, _null);
+pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(0,A,0);
+nColumn = 1;
+  } else{
 /* This is the case if the data for the INSERT is coming from a VALUES
 ** clause
Index: src/parse.y
RCS file: /sqlite/sqlite/src/parse.y,v
retrieving revision 1.206
diff -u -r1.206 parse.y
--- src/parse.y	11 Jul 2006 10:42:36 -	1.206
+++ src/parse.y	1 Aug 2006 08:26:28 -
@@ -598,6 +598,10 @@
 cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) inscollist_opt(F) 
 VALUES LP itemlist(Y) RP.
 {sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, Y, 0, F, R);}
+cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) DEFAULT VALUES.
+{ sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, 0, 0, 0, R);}
+cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) LP RP VALUES LP RP.
+{ sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, 0, 0, 0, R);}
 cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) inscollist_opt(F) select(S).
 {sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, 0, S, F, R);}
cvs diff: Diffing src/ex

[sqlite] Re: insert default values - supporting it?

2006-07-31 Thread Mario Frasca
I'm throwing this here, I assume that it would not be too much work to 
complete this patch. the aim is to support the sql92 syntax insert into 
 default values;

any comments? hints?

thanks in advance,
Mario Frasca.

cvs diff: Diffing src
Index: src/insert.c
RCS file: /sqlite/sqlite/src/insert.c,v
retrieving revision 1.170
diff -u -r1.170 insert.c
--- src/insert.c19 Jun 2006 03:05:10 -  1.170
+++ src/insert.c31 Jul 2006 13:04:19 -
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@
**insert into TABLE (IDLIST) values(EXPRLIST)
**insert into TABLE (IDLIST) select
+**insert into TABLE default values
** The IDLIST following the table name is always optional.  If omitted,
** then a list of all columns for the table is substituted.  The IDLIST
@@ -380,7 +381,16 @@
  sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, iInitCode);
-  }else{
+  }else if (pList == 0){
+assert( pColumns == 0 );
+/* This is the case if no data has been supplied and DEFAULT VALUES are
+** to be inserted.  a minimal impact approach would be to create here a
+** temporary list of columns containing just the primary key and a
+** temporary list of values containing just a NULL.  the rest of the
+** function would remain untouched.
+nColumn = 0;
+  } else{
/* This is the case if the data for the INSERT is coming from a VALUES
** clause
Index: src/parse.y
RCS file: /sqlite/sqlite/src/parse.y,v
retrieving revision 1.206
diff -u -r1.206 parse.y
--- src/parse.y 11 Jul 2006 10:42:36 -  1.206
+++ src/parse.y 31 Jul 2006 13:04:19 -
@@ -598,6 +598,8 @@
cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) inscollist_opt(F) 
VALUES LP itemlist(Y) RP.

{sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, Y, 0, F, R);}
+cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) DEFAULT VALUES.
+{sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, 0, 0, 0, R);}
cmd ::= insert_cmd(R) INTO fullname(X) inscollist_opt(F) select(S).
{sqlite3Insert(pParse, X, 0, S, F, R);}

Re: [sqlite] insert default values

2006-07-28 Thread Mario Frasca
On 2006-0728 16:47:21, Nemanja Corlija wrote:
> You can get that with this query:
>  select seq from sqlite_sequence where name='test' [...]
> There is also a last_insert_rowid() [...]
> sqlite_sequence is really the way to go.

very useful comments from everybody,


 Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.

Re: [sqlite] insert default values

2006-07-28 Thread Mario Frasca
Hi Gerry, yes, your help was quite useful...

now we have two problems here, I would say:

the first one is that, of all the things you have tried, only one is
correct but two more are accepted without causing an error.

On 2006-0728 06:55:22, Gerry Snyder wrote:
> sqlite> create table test(f int auto_increment primary key, v int 
> default 0);
-- no error, not working  (I would expect either a syntax error or a
'auto_increment only on integer')
> --
> sqlite> create table test(f integer auto_increment primary key, v int 
> default 0);
-- no error, not working (I would expect either a syntax error or
complete equivalence with the working version)
> --
> sqlite> create table test(f integer primary key auto_increment, v int 
> default 0);
> SQL error: near "auto_increment": syntax error
> sqlite> create table test(f int autoincrement primary key, v int default 0);
> SQL error: near "autoincrement": syntax error
> -
> sqlite> create table test(f int primary key autoincrement, v int default 0);
> SQL error: AUTOINCREMENT is only allowed on an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
> --
> sqlite> create table test(f integer primary key autoincrement, v int 
> default 0);
-- all right, this is the only working one, thanks a lot!

the next problem is that I still would like to 
insert into test () values ();
or maybe
insert into test default values;

here sqlite does respond clearly:
sqlite> insert into test () values ();
SQL error: near ")": syntax error
sqlite> insert into test default values;
SQL error: near "default": syntax error

is it possible to do this in sqlite?


 Gotta run, my government's collapsing.

[sqlite] insert default values

2006-07-28 Thread Mario Frasca
I'm trying to use default values and autoincrementing primary keys.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sqlite3 /data/mariof/test.db_scia.db
SQLite version 3.3.4
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> create table test(f int auto_increment primary key, v int default 0);
sqlite> insert into test (v) values (1);
sqlite> insert into test (v) values (2);
sqlite> insert into test (v) values (1);
sqlite> insert into test (v) values (NULL);
sqlite> select * from test;

I'm not a great fan of the auto_increment feature, I like sequences a
lot better, but as sqlite recognizes it, does it also implement it?  the
documentation states "the requested feature was added in 3.1", I'm
testing with 3.3.4...

and how do I insert a 'all-default' record?

sqlite> insert into test default values;
SQL error: near "default": syntax error
sqlite> insert into test () values ();
SQL error: near ")": syntax error

actually, missing auto_increment and sequences, inserting an 'all default'
record is just a style exercise, not really particularly useful...

Mario Frasca

Die Welt wird nicht bedroht von den Menschen, die böse sind, sondern
von denen, die das Böse zulassen
  -- Albert Einstein