
I am intruding into this thread, because I face a similar issue. At our company 
we have a "proprietary" database storing customer grocery transactions which 
basically only a C programmer can get to. It is by no stretch of the 
imagination a "relational" database. Basically, everything is an integer and we 
rely on associative tables in our C codes to map integers back into human 
readable labels for output purposes. For instance, a particular UPC 
"0000000000000" might map to integer 123, so we work with 123 in our codes, and 
when we output the results we map 123 back to "0000000000000".

There is intense interest in providing a SQL front-end. I thought to start 
with, I'd see if I could develop a virtual table for our various associative 
tables. Doing this would help educate me before embarking on the bigger chore 
of handling the database itself. Sounds simple enough, but I could use some 

There are several associative tables that I would need a virtual table for: 
items, stores, customers. I thought something like

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE items USING aa_module('/path/to/database', 'items');

The arguments to aa_module (the thing I'm trying to write) give the path to the 
database to open, and which associative map to create a virtual table for.

If we think of 'items' as a pointer to the items associative array, for 
instance, then in our code we would use expressions like:

int inx = AA_inx(items, '0000000000000'); /* gives the index associated with 
upc 0000000000000 */
char *upc = AA_lbl(items, 123); /* gives the upc string associated with item 
inx 123 */

The table create string to use in xCreate/xConnect would be "CREATE TABLE x(inx 
INTEGER, upc VARCHAR(13));"I think that in my xBestIndex function that if the 
constraint involves equality then the cost is 1 lookup, but for any other type 
of constraint the cost is the number of items in the AA map, since this thing 
isn't sorted.

Could someone give me an idea of what a minimal xBestIndex/xFilter skeleton 
might look like? I walked though "ext/misc/amatch.c" from the 
www.sqlite.org/src/artifact tree, but I'm a little lost.


Mike Beddo

-----Original Message-----
From: sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org [mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org] 
On Behalf Of Hick Gunter
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 6:16 AM
To: 'General Discussion of SQLite Database'
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite as a meta database


we have extensive experience with respect to the use of virtual tables in 
SQLite. In fact, the only native SQLite tables we use are in a configuration 
checking tool.

We have "providers" from in-memory indexed tables, CTree (r) files, Oracle 
tables (read only), structured disk files, in-memory structures, binary 
records, etc.

The trick is to be able to formulate your queries solely via comparison 
operators. This type of constraint gets passed to your xBestIndex function and 
can be processed there.

e.g. provide 2 virtual fields _function and _frame

SELECT * from VA, VB where VA._function='Intersect' and VA._frame=VB.geom;

When called for VA or VB with the constraints (_function,=) and (frame,=) your 
xBestIndex function should return
- a value proportional to the effort of locating a record via the internal 
index as "estimated cost"
- a number that signifies "use internal index"
- set the "omit" flag fort he contraints
- set the "argvIndex" values for the constraints

When called for VA or VB without constraints, your xBestIndex function should 
- a value proportional to the effort of a full table scan as "estimated cost"
- a number that signifies "full table scan"

This will make SQLite read VB via full table scan, and look up VA via the 
internal index.
For each row retrieved from VB, your xFilter function will be called with the 
parameter values "Intersect" and "VB.geom".
SQLite will expect to retrieve exactly those rows of VA the "Intersect" with 

Assuming that all _functions are commutative e.g. F(a,b) = F(b,a) you could 
provide a symmetrical solution:

SELECT * from VA, VB where VA._function='Intersect' and 
VB._function='Intersect' and VA._frame=VB.geom and VB._frame=VA.geom;

SQLite would then choose the smaller product of full table scan * lookup.

I think it should be possible to have SQLite omit all the checks; if not, 
_frame needs to return geom (best guess...).

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Hugo Mercier [mailto:hugo.merc...@oslandia.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 05. November 2014 10:09
An: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Betreff: [sqlite] SQLite as a meta database

Hi all,

Following a first discussion on sqlite-dev that was probably not the right 
place to post, I've been invited to repost here for a broader audience :)

I am a developer on QGIS and I am investigating the possible use of SQLite / 
Spatialite to extend QGIS relational-oriented features.

For now, we have what we call "data providers" that allow to open / read / 
modify geographic data from different data sources, more or less structured 
data from regular files or from local or remote databases.

Some database concepts are little by little put into QGIS, but some of us feel 
this is not exactly the right place for that.

So I am considering the use of the virtual table mechanism of SQLite to embed a 
powerful SQL engine in QGIS.
The idea would be to expose each type of GIS layer as a virtual table in 
SQLite. Then the user could use them for advanced queries such as
(spatial) joins.

GIS layers can already be RDBMS, like Postgresql/Postgis, MSSQL, Oracle 
spatial, etc.

There have been discussions on QGIS ML about that, and we are concerned about 
the performances of such an approach [1] [2] [3]

The main concern is about how to "translate" a main query that must in the end 
be split into queries to different databases. And especially regarding the use 
of native indices of such databases.

From previous answers on sqlite-dev, using dedicated fields estimatedCost and 
estimatedRows in xBestIndex could be enough to orient the planner if native 
indices on regular columns are present (and if the virtual table knows that)

For geometry column(s) that might be more complicated if I am correct.
For a query such as:
SELECT * FROM VA, VB where Intersects(VA.geom, VB.geom) where VA are virtual 
tables of say a PostGIS table and a Shapefile respectively, there is no way to 
inform xBestIndex to use the native spatial indices of VA or VB during the 
Native spatial indices must be locally copied and explicitly used with 
spatialite like :
SELECT * FROM VA, VB where Intersects(VA.geom, VB.geom) AND VA.ROWID IN (
    FROM SpatialIndex
    WHERE f_table_name = 'VA'
        AND search_frame = VB.geom
Avoiding such explicit syntax and index duplication would require something 
like the implementation of GIST [4] in Sqlite, and having more generic 
constraints passed to xBestIndex, I guess. Not very easy.
Are there other possibilies that I am missing ?

The other concern is about accessing the parsed SQL query before executing it. 
This could be used to process the query in order to :
- collect information on it : table names, column names and types, especially 
detecting geometry columns
- bypass SQLite execution if the query is actually to be made on tables of the 
same database
- possibly do SQL->SQL transformations

Apparently accessing this parse tree is often asked for here, and some said [5] 
it could be nice to have for sqlite 4. Is it still something considered for 
next versions ?

[4] http://gist.cs.berkeley.edu/
[5] https://www.mail-archive.com/sqlite-users%40sqlite.org/msg43159.html

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 Gunter Hick
Software Engineer
Scientific Games International GmbH
FN 157284 a, HG Wien
Klitschgasse 2-4, A-1130 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 80100 0
E-Mail: h...@scigames.at

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