[sqlite] quoted .import

2008-06-02 Thread morten bjoernsvik
Is there a way to get .import filename table to process quoted 

aka if .separator "," then any quoted column with "hello, world" will break it.

I do not control the exports which are daily derived dumps from
mysql and db2 databases.

I did a test with unquoted export with separator '_#_' which worked excellent, 
this will mess up other programs working on the export files.

Thank You all
Morten Bjoernsvik, Oslo, Norway

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[sqlite] Autocommit .read inserts are so slow it must be a bug

2008-05-23 Thread morten bjoernsvik

I've been puzzled for some days. I believed I had a hang in my system, but
it turns out using the .read file.sql is horribly slow. I believed it 
to be an improper trigger,
but removing it doesn't help a bit. 1min36sec to read 1000 lines with 6 simple 
columns into one table.

I know insert with autocommit was slow, but not that slow. Is this 
filesystem-io based?
it works very hard on the filesystem. I also tried simplifying the primary key, 
but timing is the same. Memory caching, etc? I can emulate file-inserts faster 
in a palmpilot simulator. 

Nice if someone could share some light on this.

I'm easily going around this bug with commit, so it is not much of a problem 
once you know.

SQLite 3.3.8 on linux 32bit.

% wc -l test_autocommit.sql test_commit.sql
 1024 test_autocommit.sql
 1026 test_commit.sql
 2050 total
% time echo ".read test_autocommit.sql" | sqlite3 test.db

real 1m36.116s
user 0m0.408s
sys 0m0.988s

% rm -rf test.db

If I add Begin transaction and commit it is blasting fast:
% time echo ".read test_commit.sql" | sqlite3 test.db

real 0m0.309s
user 0m0.168s
sys 0m0.040s

sqlite .schema
CREATE TABLE secanaconfig (
name TEXT not null,
value TEXT not null,
type TEXT not null,
grp TEXT,
desc TEXT,
updated DATE,
PRIMARY KEY (name, type)
CREATE TABLE subtypes (
 desc TEXT
CREATE TRIGGER fki_secanaconfig
before insert on secanaconfig
 SELECT RAISE(ABORT, 'insert into secanaconfig foreign-key type does not 
exists in subtypes table')
 WHERE (SELECT type FROM subtypes WHERE type = NEW.type) IS NULL;

Morten Bjoernsvik, Oslo, Norway

Alt i ett. Få Yahoo! Mail med adressekartotek, kalender og
notisblokk. http://no.mail.yahoo.com
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] thoughts on a web-based front end to sqlite3 db?

2005-03-08 Thread morten bjoernsvik
> Ease of learning is a plus as I need to get
> something basic up and 
> running fairly fast. I've heard good things about
> Python in that respect.
> Does anyone have alternative suggestions, or if you
> agree that Python Is 
> Good, would you suggest using APSW, pysqlite, or
> something else?

Do not underestimate the power of the SQLite console
(aka the sqlite3 binary).

I've been using php with sqlite module compiled in and
perl with DBD::SQLite for long time. but after I wrote
a simple 55lines SQL_direct parser for the console, I
prefer using it. it gives me full access to all the
.commands and input/output blobs via tempfiles. I just
build up a file of SQLite commands and SQL queries to
be executed and just parse it through like in:
$textoutput= `$sqlite $database < $sqlcommandfile`;
Blobs are handled via files.


Re: [sqlite] what is "in-memory SQLite database"?

2005-03-05 Thread morten bjoernsvik

If you have available memory you can
create a ramdisk and mount it as a standard
then put your database there.

This is quite trivial, if you have /dev/shm
you can use tempfs.

#mkdir /mnt/ramdisk
#mount -t tempfs -o size=8G /dev/shm /mnt/ramdisk

Creates a 8Gig ramdisk.

The kernel usually gives you 50% of your memory
available to /dev/shm, you can make your ramdisk
as large as you want, but avail swapping at all costs.


--- jack wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> in the documentation: "Appropriate Uses For SQLite"
> it
> says: 
> "it is often easier and quicker to load the data
> into
> an in-memory SQLite database and use queries with
> joins and ORDER BY clauses to extract the data in
> the
> form and order needed rather than to try to code the
> same operations manually"
> i am wondering if there are more
> information/documentations on how to do that? 
> i am writing an application where i need to define
> couple of huge hash tables. i load the data from
> disk,
> populate the hash tables and use the tables during
> execution. can i replace the hash tables using
> SQLite?
> i am new to SQLite, so any information is helpful.  
> jack.

Re: [sqlite] Re: AUTOINCREMENT Functionality by default required in 3.0.8 (Is it possible?)

2005-02-19 Thread morten bjoernsvik

Hi John
You are completely correct, it was just a hasty
example to show that triggers may solve teh problem.

If you want a unique variable you probably have to
use a 1 row table as an index counter.

% cat test.sql
-- example showing how to use an increment unique
value with sqlite
.header on

create table test (
num integer,
primary key (num)

-- one value index database for unique indexnumber
create table myindex (
id  integer,
num integer,
primary key (id)

-- trigger which increases num2 with a unique index
create trigger increment_sum_in_test after insert on
update myindex set num = num+1 where id=0;
update test set num2 = (
select num from myindex where id=0
) where num=new.num; 

-- first set up myindex so the trigger wont complain
insert into myindex (id,num) values (0,0);

insert into test (num,info) values (null,'number
insert into test (num,info) values (null,'number
insert into test (num,info) values (null,'number
delete from test where info='number three';
delete from test where info='number one';
insert into test (num,info) values (null,'number
insert into test (num,info) values (null,'number

select num,info,num2 from test;

$ sqlite3 text.db < test.sql
2|number two|2
3|number four|4
4|number five|5


 --- John LeSueur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev: 

> what happens If you do:
> delete from test where num = 2;
> insert into test (num, info) values(null, 'number
> four');
> Wouldn't you have:
> num|info|num2
> 1|number one|1
> 3|number three|3
> 3|number four|3
> John LeSueur

Re: [sqlite] Re: AUTOINCREMENT Functionality by default required in 3.0.8 (Is it possible?)

2005-02-17 Thread morten bjoernsvik

You can easily fix this trick with the "insert null to
and integer primary key" trick or by using a trigger.

Use a reference value you either increase or decrease,
or count to set for new values.

% cat /data/temp/test.sql
.header on

create table test (
num integer,
primary key (num)

create trigger total_num_for_test after insert on test
update test set num2 = (
select count(*) from test
) where num=new.num;

insert into test (num,info) values (null,'number
insert into test (num,info) values (null,'number
insert into test (num,info) values (null,'number

select num,info,num2 from test;

% sqlite3 test.db < /data/temp/test.sql
1|number one|1
2|number two|2
3|number three|3



 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] skrev: 
> Hi,
> A soft reminder. Please inform if the below
> mentioned request is a 
> possibility?
> Regards,
> Sankara Narayanan.

[sqlite] Re: calling external functions in triggers

2005-02-15 Thread morten bjoernsvik
Hi Again

Sorry, the mouse moved and I pressed enter outside the
text-entryfield so it got sent in an unfinished state:

Here is the finished message:

Hi all
I have several tempfiles I like to delete
with a simple systemcall like 
system("$rm -rf $tempfile")
is this possible in a simple trigger:

Can we call syscalls from inside sqllite schemas?
CREATE TABLE extracted (
  instancefile  text,
  extracted integer,
  pmval_sample  text,
  pmval_align   text,
  pmval_starttime text,
  pmval_endtime  text,
  nsamples  text,
  datetime  date,
  PRIMARY KEY (instancefile),
  UNIQUE (id));

CREATE TRIGGER delete_files_extracted
 DELETE ON extracted
   --How does this work?
   --system("rm -f instancefile");
   --system("rm -f appendfile");

instancefile holds a path like

I want that file removed anlong with the tableentry

Morten Bjørnsvik