
I am new to database programming, It will be great if somebody will answer 
these queries:

Query 1)

Say, I have a table which is having following column

1) STRING 1( string: 12 char max) 
2) STRING 2 (string, 12 char max) 
3) path( long string)
4) State ( boolean)
 5) pupose ( 1 byte)

Assume that I have 1000 records in the table.

My requirement is to search data with below 'SELECT' statement with less 
performance issue
My query will be like this:

"SELECT  * from database where STRING1 = 'x' && STRING2 = 'y' && STATE = 1 
&& purpose = 'z'"

To achive this whether I need to attach given INDEX with the table so that 
during INSERT it will be inserted in a sorted order
"Create INDEX  INDX on database( STRING1, STRING2, state, purpose)" 

        If above index is present then the SELECT statement given, 
iterates to the all rows present in the table or it directly jumps to the 
block where entries             satisfying STRING1 = 'x'  ??

        Whether INDEXInng based on String( 12 char) gives performace 

        Whether this insertion will be like LINK LIST ( fast) or like 
        Iis there any other way to call Select statement with less 
performance issue?

Query 2)
What will be the performance issue if I create INDEX with PATH( Long text) 
in ASC or DSC mode for the above table????

Please revert back.

Thanks and Regards,

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