
I have just taken a look at the source code between the and 
drivers, and there are a lot of changes in the SQLiteLog.Initialize code area, 
and how the SQLiteConnection now calls into it. We are seeing more of the same 
exceptions thrown during testing with 110 (we never had this with 107), as 
shown below, which seems to indicate the initialization code is not operating 
in a thread safe manner within a process. I would rather the maintainers take a 
look at it, as they are aware of why it was altered.

InvalidOperationException: code = Misuse (21), message = 
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x800007EF): bad parameter or other API 

Failed to configure managed assembly logging.

   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteLog.Initialize(String className)

   at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection..ctor(String connectionString, 
Boolean parseViaFramework)

Kind Regards,
Barry Roberts.
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