FWIW, as all these emails were arriving I was busy working
on an application for a customer that consists of 25K+ lines
of Tcl/Tk plus some C extensions.  The whole thing compiles
into a standalone binary that is right at 4MiB.  SQLite is
used as the application file format.  (That is to say, when
you do File/Open to select a file to work on, that file is
really an SQLite database file, even though the end user
doesn't realize it.)  The program features advanced graphics
including interactive 3-D visualization using OpenGL and
the 3D-Canvas extension to Tcl/Tk.  (http://3dcanvas.tcl.tk/)
Runs on Linux and Win32.  I was planning to port to Mac OSX
next week.  (There are some issues getting the 3dcanvas to
work there.)  The GUI has a gray-metal desk look to it, but it
is quite functional and the customer is very pleased.  It
wouldn't take much work to give the GUI more eye-candy, but
as the program is intended for use by a limited set of 
engineers within a laboratory environment, that is not a 
goal of the project.

If you can tolerate a 4MiB standalone (much smaller if you
don't need all the extensions I'm using) then Tcl/Tk is
an excellent choice.  My code would be much larger and
considerably less functional in wxPython.  I've never used
lua and cannot comment on it.  You should, of course, use 
whatever toolkit you are most comfortable with.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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