Hi, given the following tables:

        CREATE TABLE table_1(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,column VARCHAR(64));
        CREATE TABLE table_2(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,column VARCHAR(64));

I realized that the following query isn't valid in SQLite:

        SELECT *
            INNER JOIN
                SELECT *
                FROM table_2
                WHERE column = 'whatever'
            ) AS inner_1
            ON table_1.id = inner_1.id

It returns error message:

        SQL error: near "table_1": syntax error

But if I write it like that it works just fine:

        SELECT *
            INNER JOIN
                SELECT *
                FROM table_2
                WHERE column = 'whatever'
            ) AS inner_1
            ON table_1.id = inner_1.id

It also works fine if I write the query like that:

        SELECT *
            select * from table_1
            INNER JOIN
                SELECT *
                FROM table_2
                WHERE column = 'whatever'
            ) AS inner_1
            ON table_1.id = inner_1.id

To me the first query should be valid. it seems the SQL engine desn't
like having a table name right after an opening parenthesis. Are there
any standards regarding parenthesis in SQL92?

Thank you

Simon B.

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