It would be handy for file synchronization if SQLite stored the
database file's mtime in the journal and reset it if a rollback
occurs.  It's difficult to do this in an application:

1. If a DB is opened, a transaction started, some stuff happens, and a
rollback is executed, the file mtime only gets changed if a cache page
had to be written.  Only SQLite knows whether cache pages were

2. Suppose the DB has mtime T.  An app runs and starts modifying the
DB (and pages are written from cache), but it crashes before the
commit.  When the app starts again, if the app looks at mtime before
opening the DB, the DB appears to be modified.  After the open, the
rollback will occur, the DB will be in it's prior state when mtime was
T, but the mtime is still updated.

Not a huge deal, just would be nice.

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