Up to now, we were doing 2-tables full-outer-join using the classic
emulation, since SQLite lacks support for that join.

But now we are doing it with 3 tables, and it gets ugly fast IMHO.

I "think" the reason that join is not historically supported by SQLite is
because it only implements nested-loops, while full-outer-joins perform
best with merge-join (assuming joining on PK or indexed columns). (I'm not
expert here. Better minds, please correct me of course).

That, and the fact there's an "easy" work-around for 2 tables.
But for 3 or more tables, that "easy" work-around turns into rather awful
SQL though...

Why can't SQLite itself do the query rewriting itself, of the

The day SQLite gains "native" support for merge-join, the SQL does not have
change and get a speed-boost transparently. And intent is expressed clearly
declaratively, while it gets lost in the ugly work-around "manual rewrites"
at the SQL level.
And if merge-join nevers arrives, that's fine too, that's an impl detail
and an optimization.

With SQLite, there's always hope for missing features, even more complex
features did
arrive eventually, witness CTE and Window Functions (so the "Lite-clan" can
please save
your breath :)), so isn't it time to support Full-Outer-Join?

We're always harping about the declarative nature of SQL, so why here when
a SQL-standard way to express intent, we have to jump through hoops and
emulate it
with a "programmatic" recipe that scale very poorly with the number of

Sorry for the "impatience" here... I wish SQLite would grow that support,
at last.

Thanks, --DD
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