* P Kishor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-02-12 03:20]:
> One of the dangers of supporting "other standards" is that it
> becomes hard to wean folks off of them when you do decide to go
> "pure."
> Microsoft is experiencing a similar issue with IE. IE6 buggered
> up the standards support royally, but enough people around the
> world used it and made websites that were "compliant" with it
> that when MS made IE7 which hewed to the standards much better,
> all those websites broke.

Well, this is completely off-topic, but to be precise, what MSFT
did was not so much bugger up the standards support as never get
around to implementing it. When IE6 was released, its standards
support was on par with everyone else’s – better, in fact, in
various areas. But the competition improved their browsers
steadily, ensuring that the amount of breakage between two
versions of any of their browsers would be small, whereas MSFT
ignored the browser for some six years.

*That* is how they buggered up.


Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>
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