
I've attached a patch which fixes a fairly large number of typos in
the current HTML documentation,
where current means http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite_docs_3_7_0.zip as of
14:40 today.

> mar...@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ls -l sqlite_docs_3_7_0.zip
> -rw-r--r-- 1 martin martin 2919734 2010-07-25 14:40 sqlite_docs_3_7_0.zip

I haven't changed US spellings to UK spellings (eg "canceled" would be
"cancelled" here) but I
have tried to change things in the other direction where UK and US
versions of a word existed.

I haven't tried to fix up hyphenation ("reenable", "reengineer" etc)
as I suspect those agree with
US preferences even if they don't accord with UK preferences.

I tested the patch ("patch < sqlite-3.7.0-docs.patch") and it does
successfully apply the changes.

The process I used was:

1. Download and unzip sqlite_docs_3_7_0.zip
2. Check the files into a Mercurial repository
3. Run "html2text *.html | enchant -l | sort -u > errs1.txt"
4. Go through the files and correct the typos
5. Check the files into a Mercurial repository
6. Produce a patch with Mercurial
7. Test the patch
8. Submit the patch

I hope you find this patch useful and, assuming that you do, I hereby
state that:

"The author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright
interest in this code to the public domain.
We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to
the detriment of our heirs and successors.
We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in
perpetuity of all present and future rights to
this code under copyright law. "

Martin Jenkins
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