(I had trouble posting this to the mailing list--I've tried a number
of times from various addresses, but the message never showed up in
the archive. I am thus trying again.)

Hi there,

I'm running the query:

select dg_order,
as gflops from runs  inner join (select run_id, step, sum(value) as value from
n_flops_gather group by run_id,step) as sum_n_flops_gather on
(sum_n_flops_gather.run_id = runs.id)  inner join (select run_id, step,
sum(value) as value from n_flops_vector_math group by run_id,step) as
sum_n_flops_vector_math on (sum_n_flops_vector_math.run_id = runs.id and
sum_n_flops_gather.step = sum_n_flops_vector_math.step)  inner join (select
run_id, step, sum(value) as value from n_flops_lift group by run_id,step) as
sum_n_flops_lift on (sum_n_flops_lift.run_id = runs.id and
sum_n_flops_vector_math.step = sum_n_flops_lift.step)  inner join (select
run_id, step, max(value) as value from t_step group by run_id,step) as
max_t_step on (max_t_step.run_id = runs.id and sum_n_flops_lift.step =
max_t_step.step)  inner join (select run_id, step, sum(value) as value from
n_flops_diff group by run_id,step) as sum_n_flops_diff on
(sum_n_flops_diff.run_id = runs.id and max_t_step.step =
sum_n_flops_diff.step)  inner join (select run_id, step, max(value) as value
from step group by run_id,step) as max_step on (max_step.run_id = runs.id and
sum_n_flops_diff.step = max_step.step)  inner join (select run_id, step,
sum(value) as value from n_flops_rk4 group by run_id,step) as sum_n_flops_rk4
on (sum_n_flops_rk4.run_id = runs.id and max_step.step = sum_n_flops_rk4.step)
where run_target="gpu" and rank_count=1 and max_step.value>3 group by

On Sqlite 3.6.11, the query returns in a few seconds on a slow network
filesystem. On Sqlite 3.6.{21,22}, the query does not appear to finish (10+
minutes) even when on a local filesystem.

The whole database (~150M), explain output from both versions, and the
schema can be found at http://tiker.net/tmp/sqlite-bug

Any clues?

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