Hi All,

I have a question about removing items from a array.

I'm using creating json_object queries to push the results directly into 
protobuf messages. Long story short, I've used a view to workaround the 
arbitrary order of json_group_array using a some sequence nr to order by (Is 
this bad?), resulting in a json_object with a variable length item array in it. 
Now I would like to remove te sequence numbers from the array object.

Lets say I have this json object value:
CREATE TABLE "test_json" ( "json" TEXT );
INSERT INTO test_json (json) VALUES ('{ "name": "Some list", "items": 
[{"somevalue": 3,"sequence": 1,"someboolean": true}, {"somevalue": 
5,"sequence": 2,"someboolean": false}] }' );

How would I go about removing the sequence numbers from this object? 

Kind regards,

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