
Maybe someone can answer me a couple of questions regarding above function:

I've seen that it doesn't return the declaration type for views in 3.0.8. 
Is this by design?

Are there any plans to change this so that queries against views return 
the column types of the tables? I've looked at the opcodes executed and 
the two are quite different, I can't (currently) figure out how to change 
this myself. (I'd be glad to post this as a patch for inclusion.)

As a workaround I'm currently executing the SELECT, which is performed by 
the view manually to gain the column type information. I'm wondering if 
there is any speed difference (any at all?) in doing so. I don't need exact 
timings just a rough understating of whats different would help me. (The
joins together approx. 5 tables, pulling a total of 20 columns.)

Any help is appreciated,


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